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by Healing New 2020. 5. 23.

A; Artery

A2; Aortic Component of the Second Heart Sound(S2)


1) Aortic Arch(= Arcus Aortae)(= AA); 대동맥궁

2) Aplastic Anemia ? Anemia

3) Amino-Acid

4) Alcoholic Anonymous

5) Amyloid A protein

a.a.; ana; of each; 각각

AAMD; American Association on Mental Deficiency; 미국 정신 박약 협회

AAMD-ABS; American Association on Mental Deficiency-Adaptive Behavior Scale; 미국 정신 박약 협회 적응 행동 척도

AAT; Alpha(α)-Anti-Trypsin

AB, Ab;

1) Anti-body; 항체

2) Anti-Biotics; 항생제

ABA; Amino-Butyric Acid

Abd.; Abdomen; 복부

ABE; Acute Bacterial Endocarditis

ABGA; Arterial Blood Gas Analysis

abl; Abelson

ABO; Three Main Blood Types

ABPA; Allergic Broncho-Pulmonary Aspergillosis

ABR; Absolute Bed Rest

ABS; Adaptive Behavior Scale

ABVD; Adriamycin, Bleomycin, Vinblastin, Dacarbazine


1) Adenylate Cyclase

2) Abdominal Circumference

3) Air Conduction

Ac; Acute; 급성

a.c.; ante cibum; before meals; 식전

ACA; Anterior Cerebral Artery

Accom.; Accommodation; 순응


1) Absolute Cardiac Dullness; 절대심둔탁음

2) Anemia of Chronic Disease

3) Acid Citrate Dextrose

4) Allergic Contact Dermatitis

5) Autosomal Co-Dominant

Acid.; Acidosis

ACE; Angiotensin Converting Enzyme

= Kininase II

= Dipeptidyl Carboxypeptidase

ACGIH; American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist; 미국 산업 위생사 협회

ACh; Acetyl-Choline

AChE; Acetyl-Cholin-Esterase

AChRs; Acetylcholine Receptors

A-COM; Anterior COMmunicating artery

ACP; ACid Phosphatase

ACR; Amylase-Creatinine Clearance Ratio

Urine Amylase Serum Cr

Cam/CCr = ??????????????? x ????????? x 100

Serum Amylase Urine Cr

* Normal; 1 - 4 %

* Acute Pancreatitis; > 6 %

ACTH; Adreno-Cortico-Tropic(=Tropin)(or steroid) Hormone


1) Alveolar Duct

2) Autosomal Dominant

3) Auris Dextra; Right Ear; 오른쪽 귀

ADA; Adenosine De-Aminase

ADC; AIDS Dementia Complex; AIDS 치매 복합

ADCC cell; Antibody Dependent Cellular(= Cell-Mediated) Cytotoxicity cell


1) Attention Deficit Disorder

= Hyperkinetic Syndrome

2) Androstenediene


1) Aldehyde De-Hydrogenase


2) Anti-Diuretic Hormone

= Vasopressin

ADHD; Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; 주의력 부족 행동 과다 장애

ADI; Acute Drug Intoxication

ad lib; ad libitum; at pleasure; 원하는 대로

ADP; Adenosine Di-Phosphate

ADS; Alcohol Dependence Syndrome

ADSA; Arterial Digital Subtraction Angiography

AE; Above the Elbow

AEF; Amyloid Enhancing Factor

AER; Albumin Excretion Rate

AF; Atrial Fibrillation

Af; Atrial flutter


AFB; Acid-Fast Bacillus(Type that causes Tuberculosis)

AFB Stain; Acid Fast Bacilli Stain

AFL; Atrial flutter

= Af

AFO; Ankle Foot Orthosis

AFP; Alpha(α) Feto-Protein [HP 1826, 1858, 1859, 2265]

; Oncofetal Antigens

; produced by the Liver & Gastrointestinal Tract Epithelium during Gestation

; fall to 20,000 ng/L(20 ng/mL) after Birth

; Utility; Monitoring Tumor Activity(esp. Testicular Tumor)

? 증가하는 경우

1. Liver Ca(Hepatocellular Carcinoma(70 %)); Hepatoma; very High

2. Endometrial Sinus Tumor

3. Immature Teratoma; Teratoblastoma of Ovary, Testis

4. Embryonal Ca

5. GIT Cancer(Neoplasms)Liver Metastasis

6. Normal Pregnancy

7. active Liver Disease

8. CNS Germ Cell Tumors

9. Metastatic Cancer of Unknown Origin

10. Testicular Cancer(Nonseminomatous); Majority

11. Benign Conditions; Inflammatory Disease of Liver


1) Amino-Glycoside

2) Anion Gap ? Anion Gap

Ag; Anti-gen

A/G; Amenorrhea/Galactorrhea

A/G ratio; Albumin/Globulin ratio; 알부민대 글로불린의 비율

AGA; Appropriate for Gestational Age; 적량아

AGC; Automatic Gain Control


1) Arterial Gas Embolism

2) Acute Gastro-Enteritis

AGML; Acute Gastric Mucosal Lesion

AGN; Acute Glomerulo-Nephritis


AGT; Anti-Globulin Test

= Coombs' Test


1) Atrial Hypertrophy

2) Anti-Hyaluronidase

3) Amyloid immunoglobulin Heavy chain protein

AHA; Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia

AHC; Albright's Hereditary Osteodystrophy

AHE; Acute Hemorrhagic Encephalomyelitis

AHF; Anti-Hemophilic Factor


AHG; Anti-Hemophilic Globulin


AHI; Apnea-Hypopnea Index

AHO; Albright's Hereditary Osteodystrophy


1) Artificial Insemination

2) Aortic Insufficience(= -cy)(= Incompetence)

= AR

AIA; Aspirin Induced Asthma

AICA; Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery; Hemifacial Spasm

AICAR; Amino-Imidazole Carbox-Amide Ribotide

AICD; Automatic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator


1) Artificial Insemination Donor

2) Donor Artificial Insemination

AIDS; Acquired Immuno(Immune)-Deficiency Syndrome; 후천성 면역 결핍 증후군

AIIS; Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine


1) Artificial Insemination Husband

2) Homologous Artificial Insemination

AIHA; Auto-Immune Hemolytic Anemia

AILD; Angio-Immunoblastic Lymphadenopathy with Dysproteinemia

AION; Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy

AIP; Acute Intermittent Porphyria; 급성 간혈증 Porphyria

AIS; Androgen Insensitive Syndrome

= Testicular Feminization Syndrome

AISA; Acquired Idiopathic Sideroblastic Anemia


a.j.; ankle jerk; 비근경련, 과반사

AJC; American Joint Committee

AJCC; American Joint Committee on Cancer

AJKD; American Journal of Kidney Diseases

AK; Above the Knee

AL; Amyloid immunoglobulin Light chain protein

ALA; American Lung Association

ALAD; ALA Dehydratase

Alb.; Albumin

ALD; Adreno-Leuko-Dystrophy

ALDH; ALdehyde DeHydrogenase


ALG; Anti-Lymphocyte Globulin


1) Alkalosis

2) Alkali

ALL; Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

형태학적 분류

L1; Small, Homogenous(Child Type)

L2; Large, Heterogenous(Adult Type)

L3; Large, Homogenous Vacuolated(Burkitt's Type)

ALP; ALkaline Phosphatase

= AP


1. Paget Disease

2. 골연화증

αHBe; Antibody against Hepatitis Be Antigen

αHBs; Antibody against Hepatitis B surface Antigen

ALS; Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

ALT; ALanine Transaminase(aminoTransferase)


ALTE; Apparent Life-Threatening Event; 생명 위협 사건

= Near Miss

; 호흡 정지와 빈맥, 청색증, 창백, 의식장애가 있다가 성공적으로 소생시킨 사건

A.M.; Morning; 오전


1) Anti-Mitochondrial Antibodies

2) American Medical Association

AMG; α2 -Macroglobulin

AMI; Acute Myocardial Infarction

? Complications(Cx)

1. Early Cx

1) Arrythmia

2) Persistent Recurrent Chest Pain

3) Ventricular Dysfunction

4) Reversible Hypotension

5) Cardiogenic Shock

6) Pericarditis

7) Pulmonary or Systemic Embolism

8) VSD(a/c Ventricular Septal Perforation)

9) Acute MR(a/c Papillary Muscle Rupture)

10) External Cardiac Rupture

11) Emotional Response

2. Late Cx

1) HF(CHF)

2) Ventricular Aneurysm

3) Angina

4) Shoulder Hand Syndrome

5) Pseudoaneurysm

6) Dressler Syndrome


amidoPRT; amido-Phospho-Ribosyl-Transferase

AML; Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

Morphologic Classification(FAB분류)

1. M0; Acute Undifferentiated Leukemia

2. M1; AML without Differentiation(Maturation); Myeloblast Prominence

3. M2; AML with Differentiation(Maturation); Myeloblast & Promyelocyte

4. M3; Acute Promyelocyte Leukemia; Promyelocyte Predominate; DIC 가 잘생김

5. M4; Acute Myelomonocytic Leukemia; Myelocyte & Monocyte

6. M5; Acute Monocytic Leukemia; Promonocyte or Undifferentiated Blast

* M4 & M5 ; Extramedullary Involve가 많다.

7. M6; Acute Erythroleukemia; Erythroblast() + Myeloblast(일부)

8. M7; Megakaryocytic Leukemia; Pleomorphic Undifferentiated

AMM; Agnogenic Myeloid Metaplasia

AMP; Adenosine Mono-Phosphate

amp.; ample

AMPT; Alpha(α)-Methyl-Para-Tyrosine

AMS; Acute Mountain Sickness

ANA; Anti-Nuclear Antibody

ANCA; Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody

ANF; Atrial Natriuretic Factors

ANSI; American National Standards Institute

Anti-ENA; Anti-Extractable Nuclear Antigens

Anti-LKM; Antibodies to Liver-Kidney Microsome

ANTU; Alpha(α)-Naphthyl-Thio-Urea

1) 합성 살서제

2) 회색분말

3) LD50; 6.9 mg/kg(BW)

4) 인축에 해는 적다.

Ao; Aorta

AOM; Acute Otitis Media


1) Alkaline Phosphatase


2) Amyloid Plasma protein

3) Antero-Posterior; 전후의

A & P; Auscultation & Percussion; 청진(聽診) () 타진(打診)

APB; Atrial Premature Beat

APCs; Atrial PrematureContractions

APECED; Autoimmune Poly-Endocrinopathy Candidiasis Ectodermal Dystrophy

APL; Abductor Pollicis Longus

APM; Acute Purulent Meningitis

APN; Acute Pyelo-Nephritis

APRT; Adenine Phospho-Ribosyl-Transferase


1) Acylating the Plasminogen Streptokinase Activated Complex

2) Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex

= Anistreplase

APSGN; Acute Post-Streptococcal Glomerulo-Nephritis; 연쇄상 구균감염후 급성 사구체 신염

aPTT; activated Partial Thromboplastin Time

APUD; Amine Precursor Uptake & Decarboxylation

a.q.; aqua; Water;


1) Aortic Regurgitation

= AI


1. LVESD 증가

2. EF 증가

3. 승모판 전엽의 미세한 경련

4. MVPreclosure(급성 AR의 경우)

2) Aortic Response

3) Autosomal Recessive

1. Albinism

2. Hurler Syndrome

3. PKU

4. Tay-Sachs Disease

5. Galactosemia

6. Gaucher's Disease

7. Alkaptonuria

8. Wilson's Disease

4) Allergic Rhinitis

5) Attributable Risk; 귀속위험도

ARC; AIDS Related Complex; AIDS 관련 복합

ARDS; Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome

ARF; Acute Renal Failure

ARL; Association of Research Libraries

ARMD; Age-Related Macular Degeneration; 노인성 황반 형성

ARS; Anti-Rabies Serum

ART; Automized Reagin antibody Test


1) Aortic Stenosis

; LV Aorta 사이의 압력차

ΔP = 4V2(mmHg)

V; Aorta의 최고 혈류 속도(m/sec)

2) Alveolar Sac

3) Ankylosing Spondylitis

4) Alport Syndrome

5) Auris Sinistra; Left Ear; 왼쪽 귀

As; 비소

ASA, A.S.A.; Acetyl-Salicylic Acid(= Aspirin)

ASAB; Anti-Sperm Anti-Bodies

ASD; Atrial Septal Defect

Types of ASD

1. Ostium Primum ASD

2. Ostium Secundum ASD; mc

3. Sinus Venosus ASD

4. Coronary Sinus ASD

ASDC; Association of Sleep Disorders Centers; 미국 수면 질환 센터 협회

ASH; Asymmetric(al) Septal Hypertrophy

AsH3; Arsine

ASIS; Anterior Superior Iliac Spine

ASK; Anti-Strepto-Kinase


1) Arterio-Sclerosis Obliterans

2) Anti-Streptolysin O; ? 166

AST; ASpartate Transaminase(aminoTransferase)


Astigm.; Astigmatism

ASTZ test; Anti-Strepto-Zyme Test


ASZT; Anti-Strepto-Zyme Test


a.t.; acquisition time; 영상회복시간

= TR x N x Nex

TR; Time to Repeat

N; pixel(picture element)의 열의 수

Nex; Excitation회수

ATG; Anti-Thymocyte Globulin

ATL; Adult T cell Lymphoma

ATLL; Adult T cell Leukemia/Lymphoma

ATN; Acute Tubular Necrosis


1) Adenosine Tri-Phosphate

2) Autoimmune Thrombocytopenic Purpura

AU; Auris Uterque; Both Ears

198AU; Radioactive Gold(used in interstitial radio theraphy)


1) Azygo(u)s Vein(AV)(= Vena Azygo(u)s); 기정맥(奇靜脈)

1) Atrio-Ventricular

2) Aortic Valve

3) Arterio-Venous; 동정맥의

AV node; Atrio-Ventricular node; 방실 결절

0.1 sec Delay


1) Arterio-Venous Fistula ? Arterio-Venous Fistula

2) Augmented Voltage Foot

AVH; Acute Viral hepatitis

AVL; Augmented Voltage Left arm

AVM; Arterio-Venous Malformation


1) Atrio-Ventricular Node

2) AVascular Necrosis


1) Active non apeptide(?)

2) Arginine Vaso-Pressin

AVR; Augmented Voltage Right arm

Frank N. Wilson

Lead I, II, III와 같은 크기의 EKG를 얻기 위해서는 EKG 기계의 전압을 증강(Augment)시켜야 한다는 것

AVT; Arginine Vaso-Tocin

AZT; AZidoThymidine



BA; Bore Area

Ba; Barium

Ba E; Barium Enema

BAE; Bronchial Artery Embolization

BAER; Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response(Potential)


1) Brocho-Alveolar Lavage

2) British Anti-Lewisite

= Dimercaprol

BAN; Basle Anatomic Nomenclature; 바젤 해부학 명명법


BAO; Basal Acid Output

BAS; Balloon Atrio-Septostomy

BATOs; Boronic Adducts of Technetium Oxine


1) Bundle Branch Block

2) Blood Brain Barrier ? Blood Brain Barrier

BBBB; Bilateral Bundle Branch Block

BBT; Basal Body Temperature; 기초체온

BC; Bone Conduction

BCAA; Branched Chain Amino Acid

BCC; Basal Cell Carcinoma


1) Bacillus(Bacille)-Calmette-Gurin

2) Bromo-Cresol Green

bcr; breakpoint cluster region

BCYE-α agar; Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract agar with α-ketoglutarate

BD; Behcet's Disease

BDR; Back-ground Diabetic Retinopathy


1) Bacterial Endocarditis

2) Base Excess

3) Below the Elbow

BEP; Bleomycin, Etoposide, Cisplatin

BERA; Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry

β-ABA; β-Amino-Butyric Acid

β-CCE; β-Carboline-3-Carboxy(lic) acid Ethylester

β-HCG(hCG); Beta(β)-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin; 사람융모성성선자극호르몬

BFUe; erythroid Burst Forming Unit

BGT; Bender-Gestalt Test

BGU; Benign Gastric Ulcer

B-H Contraction; Braxton-Hicks Contraction

BH4; tetra-Hydrobiopterin

BI; Behavior Identity

BID, bid, b.i.d; Bis In Die; Twice a Day; 하루에 두번

BIN, bin, b.i.n.; Bis In Nocte; Twice A Night; 하루밤에 두번

BIP; Brochiolar Interstitial Pneumonia

B-J protein; Bence-Jones Protein

의의; Multiple Myeloma

BK; Below the Knee

BLS; Basic Life Support

BLV; Biologic Limit Value; 생물학적 허용한계


1) Bone Marrow

2) Basement Membrane

3) Bench-Mark; 수준 기표

b.m.; bowel movement; 장운동

BMD; Bone Mineral Density

BMR; Basal Metabolic Rate; 기초대사율

BMT; Bone Marrow Transplantation;골수 이식

BMZ; Basement Membrane Zone

BNA; Basle Nomina Anatomica; 바젤 해부학 명명법


BOD; Biochemical Oxygen Demand; 생물학적 산소 요구량

; 1 L 수중의 유기물을 Bacteria 20 에서 5일간 분해하는데 소비하는 산소의 양

; 물의 오염도 측정(ppm단위); 하수 오염의 지표완료

1. 1단계 BOD(BOD5); 탄소 화합물의 산화 완료까지 소비되는 산소량(7 - 10 )

; ? 20 ppm

2. 2단계 BOD; 질소 화합물의 산화 완료까지 소비되는 산소량(100 )

BOW; Back Of Water


1) Blood Pressure; 혈압

2) Bullous Pemphigoid

3) Benzathin Penicillin

4) Broncho-Pulmonary

bp; base pair; 염기쌍


1) Broncho-Pulmonary Dysplasia; 기관지 폐이형성증

2) Bi-Parietal Diameter

BPF; Brocho-Pleural Fistula

BPH; Benign Prostate(Prostatic) Hypertrophy(Hyperplasia); 전립선 비대()

BPO; Benzyl-Penicilloyl

BPP; Bio-Physical Profile

BPPV; Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

BPRS; Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale

BPT; Bronchial Provocation Test; 기관지 유발 시험

BPV; Benign Positional Vertigo

BrDU; 5-Bromo-Deoxy-Uridine

BRM; Biologic Response Modifiers; 생물학적 반응 조절제


1) Breath Sounds; 호흡음

2) Blood Sugar

3) Bile Salts

BSA; Body Surface Area; 체표면적

BSID; Boyley Scales of Infant Development; Boyley 유아 발달 척도

BSO; Bilateral Salping-Oophorectomy

BSP; Bromo-Sul-Phalein

BSS; Bernard-Soulier Syndrome

BST; Blood Sugar Test


1) Bleeding Time

2) Body Temperature

BTSS; Biopsy Tissue Scrub Smear

btw; by the way

B-T shunt; Blalock-Taussig shunt

B.T.U.; British Thermal Unit

BUN; Blood Urea Nitrogen; 혈액() 요소 질소

BUT; Break-Up Time


1) Blood Volume

2) Bacterial Vaginosis

B/W; Black/White

Bx, bx; Biopsy

BZ Disease; Brill Zinsser Disease

Bz-Ty-PABA test; N-Benzoyl-L-Tyrosyl-p-Amino-Benzoic Acid test

= Bentiromide test

= Tripeptide Hydrolysis test



1) Complement

2) Centigrade; 섭씨


1) Candida

C. Albicans

C. Guilliermondi

C. Krusei

C. Parapsilosis

C. Tropicalis

2) Clostridium

C. Botulinum

C. Difficile

C. Perfringens(= C. Welchii)

C. Tetani; 파상풍균

3) Clonorchis; 간흡충()

C. Sinensis; 간흡충, 간디스토마

4) Cervical Vertebrae

C1; 1st Cervical Vertebrae

C2; 2nd Cervical Vertebrae

; cum; with; ~와 같이

CA-125; Cancer Antigen-125


1) Carcinoma

2) Cancer;

3) Calcium

CABG; Coronary Artery Bypass Graft

CAF; Cytoxan, Adriamycin(= Doxorubicin), 5-FU


1) Chronic Active Hepatitis

2) Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

CALLA; Common Acute Lymphocytic(Lymphoblastic) Leukemia Antigen

= CD10

= Enkephalinase

CAMP; Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin(Doxorubicin), Methotrexate, Procarbazine

cAMP; cyclic Adenosine Mono-Phosphate

cap.; capsula; capsule

CAP; Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin(Doxorubicin), cis-Platinum

CAPD; Continous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis

CARL; Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries


1) Computerized(= Computed) Axial Tomography

= CAT scan

= CT

2) Children Appenception Test

CAVH; Continous Arterio-Venous Hemodialysis

CAVHD; Continous Arterio-Venous Hemo-Dialysis

CBC, cbc; Complete Blood Count; 완전 혈구 계산

CBD; Common Bile Duct

? Absolute Ix of CBD Exploration

1. Palpable Stones

2. Jaundice with Cholangitis

3. Demonstration of Stones by Cholangiography

4. Dilatation of CBD > 12 mm


CBF; Cerebral Blood Flow

CBG; Cortisol-Binding Globulin

= Transcortin

cbl; cerebellar

= cbll

cbll; cerebellar

= cbl

cbr; cerebral


1) Chief Complaint; 주소(主訴), 주된 호소(불평)

2) Closing Capacity

CC = CV + RV

3) Cord Compression

cc; cubic centimeter; 1/1000 Liter

CCA; Common Carotid Artery

CCE; Carboline-3-Carboxy(lic) acid Ethylester


1) Carotid(Carotico-) Cavernous Fistula

2) Crystal-induced Chemotactic Factor

CCK; Chole-Cysto-Kinin

CCK-8; Chole-Cysto-Kinin octapeptide

CCK-Pz; CholeCystoKinin-Pancreozymin

CCl4; Phosgene

CCPD; Continous Cycling Peritoneal Dialysis

Ccr; Creatinine Clearance; 80 - 90 ml/min

CCR; Creatine Clearance Rate; 3.0 - 3.5 gm/24 hr

CCT; Cephalic Cholestol Test

CCU; Coronary(= Cardiac) Care Unit; ()(동맥)질환집중치료(병동)(관상동맥질환집중 治療病棟), ()(동맥)질환감시병실(관상동맥疾患監視病室), 심장병 집중 치료실

= Nursing Unit

CD; Cluster of Differentation

Cd; Cadmium


1) Cheno-Deoxy-Cholic acid


2) Center for Disease Control & Prevention

CDCA; Cheno-Deoxy-Cholic Acid



1) Chronic Daily Headache





2) Congenital Dislocation of the Hip

3) Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia

4) Congenital Heart Disease

CDR; Crude Death Rate; 보통사망률

CE; Cholesterol Ester

CE angle; Center-Edge angle

CEA; Carcino-Embryonic Antigen [HP 1825-6]

; Oncofetal Antigens

; Glycoprotein(MW 180,000)

; Normal; 2500 ng/L(2.5 ng/mL)

1. concentrated in the Glycocalyx of epithelial Cells

2. released into the Lumen of the Bowel

; Malignancy

1. concentrations elevated in the Blood & other Body Fluids

; 1. Specific for Bowel Cnacer

2. Nonspecific Tumor-associated Antigen

3. Benign Conditions

; Not selective for Cancer

Not Used in Screening for Malignancy

; Sereal measurement; Treatments & the Recurrence of Disease

? 의의(in Colon Ca)

1) F/U시 이용; Metastasis or recurrence

2) Metastasis 판정

3) Little Value in Dx

? 증가하는 경우

1) Neoplasm(50 %) of

1> Colon

2> Pancreas

3> Lung

4> Breast

5> Stomach

2) Nonmalignant Conditions; Not over 10,000 ng/L(10ng/mL)

1> Cigarette Smoking

2> Chronic Pulmonary Disease

3> Liver Cirrhosis; Alcoholic

4> Hepatitis

5> Inflammatory Bowel Disease

6> Uremia

CEP; Congenital Erythropoetic Porphyria(= Gnther Disease; 선천성 조혈기성 Porphyria

CER; Conditioned Emotional Response; 조건화 감정 반응


1) Cystic Fibrosis

2) Complement Fixing antibody

3) Conversion Factor

C/F; Clinical Finding

CF test; Complement Fixation test; 보체결합법

CFC; Freon; 오존층파괴

CFCs; Chloro-Fluoro-Carbons

CFS; Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

CFU; Colony Forming Unit

CFUe; erythroid Colony Forming Unit

CFV; Call For Vote

CGD; Chronic Granulomatous Disease; 만성 육아종 질환

c.gl.; correction with glasses

cGMP; cyclic Guanosine Mono-Phosphate

CGRP; Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide(Protein)

CGRPs; Calcitonin Gene-Related Products

CH50; Hemolytic Complement 50; 용혈 보체 검사법; (30)50 - (40)(66)80 Unit/mL

CHA; Common Hepatic Artery

CHAMOCA; Cyclophosphamide, Hydroxyuria, Actinomycin-D, MTX, Folic Acid, Adriamycin

CHARGE Associations;


Heart disease

Atresia choanae

Retared growth & development or CNS anomalies

Genital anomalies &/or hypogonadism

Ear anomalies &/or deafness Associations


1) Congenital Heart Disease

2) Common Hepatic Duct

CHF; Congestive Heart Failure; 울혈성 심마비

CHOP; Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin, Vincristine, Prednisolone

Chr; Chronic; 만성


1) Cholinesterae

2) Chediak-Higashi Syndrome


1) Corporate Identity

2) Completed Infarction

3) Cardiac Index

CIC; Circulating Immune Complexes


1) Carpal Instability Dissociative; 해리성 주근관절 불안정성

2) Cytomegalic Inclusion Disease

CIDP; Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Poly(radiculo)neuropathy

CIE; Counter(current) Immuno-Electrophoresis; 역면역 전기 영동법

CIN; Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia

CIND; Carpal Instability Nondissociative; 불해리성 주근관절 불안정성

CIS; Carcinoma In Situ

CISCA; CISplastin, Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin(=Doxorubicin)


1) Creatine Kinase

2) Creatinine Phosphokinase

Ck; Check; 조사

CK-MB; Creatine Kinase MB Fraction

CL; Capillary Loops

CLD; Chronic Lung Disease; 만성폐질환

CLH; Chronic Lobular Hepatitis

CLIP; Corticotropin-Like Intermediate Peptide

CLL; Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

CLO; 의복의 열차단 단위

1 CLO; 기온 21, 기습 50 %, 기류 5cm/sec에서 Metabolic Rate 50 Kcal/m2/Hr로 피부온도가 33로 유지 될때의 의복의 방한력


1 CLO = ??????????


보통작업복; 1 CLO

우수한 방한복; 4 - 5 CLO


1) Chlor-aMphenicol

2) Chylo-Micron

cM; centi-Morgan

1 cM; 1회의 Meiosisrecombination이 일어날 확률이 1 % 인 경우 두 유전자사이의 거리

대략 1백만 염기쌍의 거리

cm; centimeter; 1/1000 meter

CMD; Cerebro-Macular Degeneration

CMF; Cytoxan(or Cyclophosphamide), MTX, 5-FU

CMG; Cysto-Metro-Gram; 방광내압곡선


1) Cornell Medical Index

2) Cell-Mediated Immunity

CML; Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia

* Lymphoid Blastic Crisis(? 1/3)시 치료는 ALL에 준해서

1. Vincristine

2. Prednisone

3. L-Asparaginase

4. Daunorubisin

CMML; Chronic Myelo-Monocytic Leukemia

CMO; Corticosteroid Methyl-Oxidase

CMOS; Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

CMP; Cardio-Myo-Pathy

CMT; Cervical Mucous Test


1) Cyto-Megalo-Virus


1. Milk

2. Urine

3. Saliva

4. Feces

5. Semen

6. Cervical Discharge

2) Controlled Mechanical Ventilation

CN; Cranial Nerve

CNPV; Continuous Negative Pressure Ventilation

CNS; Central Nervous System; 중추신경계


1) Cardiac Output

= Stroke Volume x HR

Stroke Volume 결정인자

1) Preload (LV 에 최대로 Blood가 들어왔을때 Volume)

2) Myocardial Contractility

3) Afterload(AortaBlood 내보내기 위해 LV가 생성해야 하는 Force)

2) Carbon Monoxide; 일산화탄소

CO 급성중독의 증상


혈액중 HbCO농도(%) 증상

0 - 10 증상없음

10 - 20 전두부 긴장감

경한 두통

피부혈관 확장

20 - 30 두통

측두부 맥동(Throbbing)

30 - 40 심한 두통






40 - 50 호흡 & 맥박 증가



50 - 60 호흡 & 맥박 증가





60 - 70 혼수


심장박동 & 호흡이 약해지고 사망하기 쉽다.

70 - 80 호흡곤란으로 사망

측정법; Van Kampen

CO2; Carbon Dioxide; 이산화탄소; 지구온난화

CoA; Coarctation of Aorta

? Complications

1. Severe Hypertension

2. Cerebral Aneurysm & Hemorrhage

3. Rupture of Aorta

4. LV Failure

5. Infective Endocarditis

6. Paraplegia, Hemiplegia



1) Choice Of Drug

2) Cause Of Death

3) Chemical O2 Demand; KMnO4 or K2Cr2O2등의 산화제에 의하여 수중에 유기물및 산화성 물질의 양을 나타내는데 사용(COD > BOD)

COLD; Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease

COM; Chronic Otitis Media

COMT; Catechol-O-Methyl Transferase

COPD; Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; 만성 폐쇄성 폐질환

COWS; Cold Opposite, Warm Same

CP; Central Pool

Cp; Concentration of plasma; plasma의 농도

CP angle; Cerebello-Pontine angle

CPA; Chest Postero-Anterior

CPA tumor; Cerebello-Pontine Angle(소뇌교각부) tumor

CPAP; Continuous Positive Airway Pressure

CPB; Cardiopulmonary Bypass

CPBA; Competitive Protein Binding Assay

CPC; Clinico-Pathological Conference; 임상병리검토회

CPD; Cephalo-Pelvic Disproportion; 아두 골반 불균형

C-Peptide; Connecting Peptide

CPH; Chronic Persistent Hepatitis

CPIP; Chronic Pulmonary Insufficiency of Premature; 미숙아 만성 폐부전

CPK; Creatinine Phospho-Kinase

< 25(60)(200)(240) Unit

증가하는 경우

1. AMI; MB Fraction증가; 1일에 최고치, 2 - 3일 지나면 정상화

CPP; Cerebral Perfusion Pressure

CPPD; Calcium Pyro-Phosphate Dihydrate

CPPV; Continuous Positive Pressure Ventilation

CPR; Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation

CPS; Carbamyl Phosphate Synthetase

CPZ; Chloropromazine


1) Complete Response

2) Close Reduction

Cr; Chromium

Cr, cr; creatinine

C/R; Close Reduction

CR Length; Crown to Rump Length

CRAO; Central Retina Artery Occlusion

CREG; Cross REactive Group (of HLA Antigens)

CREST Syndrome;

1. Calcinosis cutis

2. Raynaud's phenomenon

3. Esophageal dysfunction

4. Sclerodactyly

5. Telangiectasia Syndrome


1) Chronic Renal Failure

2) Corticotropin-Releasing Factor

CRH; Corticotropin Releasing Hormone

CRL; Crown-Rump Length

CRP; C-Reactive Protein; ? 0.06 mg/dL

CRS; Chinese Restaurant Syndrome

CRST Syndrome;

1. Calcinosis

2. Raynaud's Phenomenon

3. Sclerodactyly

4. Telangiectasia Syndrome

CS, Cs;

1) Cycloserine

2) Cesarean Section

CS2; 이황화탄소

C/S; Cesarean Section

C-Section; Cesarean Section


1) Cell Surface Antigen

2) Central Sleep Apnea


1) Cerebro-Spinal Fluid; 뇌척수액

2) Colony Stimulating Factor

CSF-1; Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor

CSII; Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion


1) Carotid Sinus Massage

2) Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis; 뇌척수막염


1) Cheyne-Stokes Respiration

2) Central Supply Room; 중앙공급실

CST; Contraction Stress Test


1) Computed(Computer) Tomography(-gram); 컴퓨터 단층 촬영


2) Cloting Time

3) Chronic Thyroiditis

4) Connective Tissue

5) Cholera Toxin

CTCL; Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma

CTD; Connective Tissue Disease

CTH; Chronic Tension Headache

CTL; Cytotaxic T Lymphocyte

CTR; Cardio-Thoracic Ratio

CTx; Chemotherapy

CU; Clinical Unit

cu; cubic; 입방의


1) Closing Volume

2) Cardio-Vascular; 심장혈관의


1) Cardio-Vascular Accident(Attack)

2) Cerebro-Vascular Accident(Attack); 뇌졸증(), 뇌혈관 손상


3) Costo-Vertebral Angle

CVB; Chorionic Villus Biopsy


1) Cerebro-Vascular Disease; 심장 혈관병()


= Stroke; 중풍, 뇌졸증

2) Cardio-Vascular Disease; 심장혈관병()

CVH; Chronic Viral Hepatitis

CVP; Central Venous Pressure


1) Cardio-Vascular System; 심장 혈관계

2) Chronic Villi Sampling; 융모막 채취

CWP; Coal Worker's Pneumoconiosis

= Black Lung

CWRS; Case Western Reserve University


1) Complication

2) Cervix(= Cervical); ()

CXR; Chest X-Ray

CZI; Crystalline Zinc Insulin


D.; Diplococcus; 쌍구균()

D. gonorrhoeae; 임질쌍구균

D. intracellularis; 세포내(뇌막염)쌍구균

D. pneumoniae; 폐렴쌍구균, 페렴구균

DAF; Decay Accelerating Factor

DAG; Di-Acyl-Gylcerol

DAo; Descending Aorta

DAP; Dialysis Associated Pericarditis

DAP test; Draw-A-Person test; 인물화 검사

DASD; Direct Access Storage Device


dB; decibel; 음파의 전파 방향에 수직한 단위 면적을 단위시간에 통과하는 음의 에너지량 또는 음의 압력; 소리의 세기


= 20 log ???


P; 측정한 음압

Po; 기준 음압; 2 x 10-5 N/m2

DBH; Dopamine-Beta(β)-Hydroxylase

DBP; Diastolic Blood Pressure


1) Direct Current

2) Diffusion Capacity

D & C; Dilatation(Dilation) & Curretage; 소파술


1) Dis-Charge

2) Dilatation(Dilation) & Curretage

3) Dis-Continue; 중지

D/C/B; Dilatation(Dilation) & Curretage & Biopsy

DCH; Daily Chronic Headache

DCS; De-Compression Sickness

DDAVP; 1-Desamino-8-D-Arginine Vasopressin

= Desmopression

DDC; L-Dopa De-Carboxylase

ddC; di-deoxy-Cytidine

DDD; Degenerative Disc Disease

ddI; di-deoxy-Inosine


DDS; 4,4'-Diamino-Diphenyl-Sulfone

= Dapsone

DDST; Denver Developmental Screening Test; Denver 발달 평가 검사(발육 선별 검사)

DDx; Differential Diagnosis

DEA; Dual Energy Absorptiometry

DEJ; Dermal-Epidermal Junction

δ-ALA; δ-Amino-Levulinic Acid

δ-ALAD; δ-Amino-Levulinic Acid Dehydratase

Derm.; Dermatology

DES; Di-Ethyl-Stilbestrol

DEV; Duck Embryo Vaccine

DFA; Direct Fluorescent Antibody

DG; Diacyl-Glycerol


1) Diffuse Histiocytic

2) DeHydrogenase

DHE; Di-Hydro-Ergotamine

DHEA; Di-Hydro-Epi-Androsterone

DHEAS; Di-Hydro-Epi-Androsterone Sulfate

DHF; Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

DHFR; DiHydroFolate Reductase

DHT; Di-Hydro-Testosterone


1) Diabetes Insipidus

2) Discomfort Index; 불쾌 지수

= 0.72(ta + tw) + 40.6(섭씨로 표시시)

= 0.4(ta + tw) + 15(화씨로 표시시)

??ta; 건구 온도

??tw; 습구 온도

? 70; 다소 불쾌감

? 75; 50 % 이상의 사람에서 불쾌감

? 79; 100 % 에서 불쾌감

? 80; 불쾌감이 아주 심하다.

DIC; Disseminated(=Diffuse) Intravascular Coagulation syndrome; 파종성혈관내응고(播種性血管內凝固) 증후군

= Consumption Coagulopathy


Diff.; Differential count; 백혈구 감별 계산

= diff. count

diff. count; differential count; 백혈구 감별 계산

= Diff.

dil.; dilue; dilute; 희석하다.

DILD; Diffuse Interstitial Lung Disease; 미만성 간질성 폐질환

DILS; Diffuse Infiltrative Lymphocytosis Syndrome

DIMS; Disorders of Initiating & Maintaining Sleep; 입면장애 및 수면 유지 장애; 불면증


1) Drip Infusion Pyelography

2) Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonia

3) Distal Inter-Phalangeal

DIP joint; Distal Inter-Phalangeal joint

DIS; Diagnostic Interview Schedule; 미국 NIMH 고안


; Supratentorial Lesion(brain lesion)

??Destructive lesion --> Ipsilateral

??Seizure lesion --> Contralateral

; Infratentorial Lesion(Pons Lesion)시는 반대로

DISH; Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis

DIT; Diet Induced Thermogenesis

= Thermic Effect of Food

= Specific Dynamic Action

DJD; Degenerative Joint Disease; 퇴행성 관절질환

= Degenerative Arthritis; 퇴행성 관절염

= Osteoarthritis(OA); 골관절염

= Osteoarthrosis; 골관절증

DKA; Diabetic Keto-Acidosis

DL; Diffuse Lymphoblastic

DLE; Discoid Lupus Erythematosus


1) Diabetes Mellitus

2) Dermato-Myositis

DMARDs; Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs

DMD; Duchenne type Muscular Dystrophy; 악성형 Duchenne형 근이영양증

DMH; Daily Mixed Headache

DMLH; Diffuse Mixed Lymphocytic Histiocytic

DMPEA; 3,4-Di-Methoxy-Phenyl-Ethyl-Amine

DMT; Di-Methyl-Triptamine

DNA; Deoxyribo-Nucleic Acid

DNCB; Di-Nitro-Chloro-Benzene

DNS; Domain Name System

DO; Dissolved Oxygen; 용존산소

; 수중 DO는 오염 판정의 기본이 되는 지표

1. 온도 ? ? DO ?

2. BOD, COD ? ? DO ?

오염된 수중에서는 소비되는 O2량이 많으므로 물이 깨끗할수록 그 온도에서의 포화량에 가깝게 함유된다.

DOA; Death(Dead) On Arrival; 도착시 사망함; 응급실에 도착했을 당시에 이미 사망한 상태에 있는 경우


1) Drug Of Choice

2) Diagnosis Of Choice

3) De-Oxy-Cortisterone

DOCA; De-Oxy-Corticosterone Acetate

DOE; Dyspnea On Exercise

DOES; Disorders of Excessive Somnolence; 과다 수면 장애

DOLV; Double Outlet Left Ventricle

DOM; Dimeth-Oxy-Methyl amphetamine

DOPA; 3,4-Dihydr-Oxy-Phenyl-Alanine

DORV; Double Outlet Right Ventricle

Doz; Dozens; 1다스, 1(), 12

DP; Driving Pressure

DPA; Dual Photon Absorptiometry

DPC; Distal Palmar Crease

DPCC; Di-Palmitoyl Phosphatidyl Choline

DPDL; Diffuse Poorly Differentiated Lymphocytic

DPG; Di-Phospho-Glycerate

= 2,3-DPG

DPL; Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage

DPN; DiPhosphopyridine Nucleotide

DPT; Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus; 디프테리아, 백일해, 파상풍

DPX; Dual Photon X-Ray

Dr.; Doctor; 의사

DRG; Dorsal Root Ganglia


1) Dead Space

2) Dehydroisoandrosterone Sulfate

DSA; Digital Subtraction Angiography


DSIP; Delta Sleep Inducing Peptide

DSM; Diagnostic & Statistical Manual


1) Double Simultaneous Stimulation

2) Dengue Shock Syndrome


1) Donor Specific Transfusion

2) Dexamethasone Suppression Test


1) Delirium Tremens

2) Diphtheria, Tetanus; 디프테리아, 파상풍 혼합 백신

d/t; associated with

D3; Disialoganglioside

DTIC; Dimethyl Triazeno Imidazole Carboxamide

; Alkylating Agent

DTP; Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis 디프테리아, 파상풍, 백일해 혼합 백신

DTPA; Diethylene Triamine Penta-Acetic Acid

DTR; Deep Tendon Reflex

*** Deep Tendon Reflex(DTR)Center ***

1. 하악 반사; Jaw Jerk 뇌교; Pons

2. 이두건 반사; Biceps Jerk C5-6

3. Supinator Jerk C5-6

4. 삼두건 반사; Triceps Jerk C6-8

5. Abdominal Jerk T5-12

6. Cremasteric Jerk L1-2

7. 슬부건 반사; Knee Jerk L2-4

8. 족관절건 반사; Ankle Jerk S1-2

DUB; Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding

DUL; Diffuse Undifferentiated Lymphoblastic

DVI; Digital Vascular Imaging


DVT; Deep Vein Thrombosis

DW, D.W.; Distilled Water; 증류수

D/W; Dextrose in Water

DWDL; Diffuse Well Differentiated Lymphocytic

Dx; Diagnosis; 진단

Dz; Dozens; 1다스, 1(), 12



1) Expiration

2) Electrolyte

E.; Escherichia

E. Coli; Escherichia Coli; 대장균

E1; Estrone; 폐경후 주된 Estrogen

E2; Estradiole; 폐경전 주된 Estrogen

E3; Estriol; 임신시 주된 Estrogen

가임기 여성; E3/(E1 + E2) = 1

임신시 여성; E3/(E1 + E2) = 10


1) Esophageal Atresia


1. Esophageal Atresia with Distal Tracheoesophaseal Fistula; C; 85 %; mc

2. Esophageal Atresia without Tracheoesophaseal Fistula; A; 8 %

3. Isolated Tracheoesophaseal Fistula(H-Type); E; 4 %

4. Esophageal Atresia with Proximal Tracheoesophaseal Fistula; B; 1 %

5. Esophageal Atresia with Proximal & Distal Tracheoesophaseal Fistula; D; 2 %

2) Early Antigen

EACA; Epsillon(ε)-AminoCaproic Acid

EAE; Early Asthmatic Effect

EAEC; Entero-Adherent Escherichia Coli

EBNA; Epstain-Barr Nuclear Antigen

EBV; Epstein-Barr Virus

EC; Extra-Cranial

ECA; External Carotid Artery

ECC; Endo-Cervical Curettage

ECCE; Extra-Capsular Cataract Extraction

ECD; Endocardial Cushion Defect


1) Eosinophilic Chemotatic Factors

2) Extra-Cellular Fluid; 세포 외액

ECG; Electro-Cardio-Graphy(-Gram); 심전도


1. Conducting System Structures

1) SA Node(SAN; ()결절); Pacemaker

1> RA Posterior Wall or Superior Wall

2> 가늘고 긴 계란 모양

3> 방실결절(AVN)보다 크다.

2) Internodal Tracts(결절간 전도로) (P 74)

1> Anterior Internodal Tract; Bachmann's Bundle

2> Middle Internodal Tract(= Wenckebach's Bundle)

3> Posterior Internodal Tract(= Thorel's Pathway)

3) AV Node(AVN; 방실결절)

1> 전도 속도; 200 mm/sec = 0.2 m/sec

2> 0.1 sec Delay

3> 계란형

4> 동방결절 절반 이하의 크기

5> 심방 중격 우측에 위치

4) Atrioventricular Tract

5) AV Bundle(방실속)(= Bundle of His)

6) Bundle Branch

1> Right Bundle Branch

2> Left Bundle Branch

i) Anterior Branch; Posterior Branch에 비해서 길고 가늘며 Left Ventricle의 전방, 상방으로 흥분을 전달

ii) Posterior Branch; 짧고 굵은 가지, Left Ventricle의 후, 하방으로 흥분을 전달

7) Purkinje Fiber; 전도 속도; 4,000 mm/sec = 4 m/sec

@ 전도 속도

Atrium(심방근); 1,000 mm/sec = 1 m/sec

Ventricle(심실근); 400 mm/sec = 0.4 m/sec

2. Blood Supply System Structures

1) Right Coronary Artery(RCA); ? Right Cusp of Aortic Valve

1> SA node

2> AV node

3> Bundle of His

4> Posterior Wall of Left Ventricle

5> Right Ventricle

6> Posterior Division of Left Bundle Branch

2) Left Coronary Artery(LCA); ? Left Cusp of Aortic Valve

1> Right Bundle Branch

2> Anterior Division of Left Bundle Branch

3> Anterior Descending Branch


3. Components

@ Segment(분절); Baseline(기선)

@ Interval(간격); Wave() 까지 포함

1) P Wave; Atrial Hypertrophy Check

1> Atrial Depolarization, Atrial Contraction

2> Lead II; The Tallest P Wave

Lead III, AVL; The Smallest P Wave

AVR; Inverted P Wave

3> Normal;

Height 2.4 mm

Duration 0.11 sec

2) PP Interval; P Wave ~ P Wave; 심방 박동수

3) F Wave; Flutter Wave

4) PR Interval; AV Block을 진단

1> P Wave 의 시작 ~ QRS Complex 의 시작

2> 심방 흥분에서부터 Purkinje Fiber에 흥분파가 도달할때까지의 시간

심방의 탈분극과 방실전도에 걸리는 시간

3> Normal; 0.12 - 0.20 sec

4> Abnormal

< 0.12 sec; 심방전도촉진

> 0.20 sec; 1o AV Block

5) 심실흥분시간(VDT)

1> QRS Complex 개시 ~ R Wave 꼭지점까지

2> 탈분극파가 심장의 안쪽(심내막)에서 바깥쪽(심외막)까지 전달되는데 걸리는 시간

6) QRS Complex; Bundle Branch Block을 진단

; Ventricular Depolarization, Ventricular Contraction

; Axis 결정

; Normal; 0.04 - 0.11 sec

1> Q Wave; R Wave의 앞에 있는 음성파

; Normal 로는 거의 없다(예외, AVR)

i) Insignificant Q Wave; small Q Wave in I, II, V5,6

ii) Significant Q Wave

Wide 1 mm(0.04 sec) or

Height 1/3 of QRS Complex

Myocardial Infarction

2> R Wave; 양성파

3> S Wave; R Wave에 잇달아 있는 음성파

4> Ta Wave

i) Atrial Repolarization

ii) P Wave 와는 반대 방향

iii) QRS Complex와 일치되어 거의 볼수 없다.

4> QS Wave

5> QR Wave

6> RS Wave

7> RSR'S' Wave

7) RR Interval; 심실박동수

8) QT Interval

1> QRS Complex 의 시작 ~ T Wave 끝까지

2> 심실의 탈분극과 재분극을 모두 포함하는 시간

9) J Point

10) ST Segment; QRS Complex의 끝 ~ T Wave의 시작점

@ ST Segment Depression

1> Digitalis Intoxication

2> Positive Master's Test; 관상동맥질환이 의심되는 환자가 운동하는 것

3> Anterior Wall Subendocardial Infarction

4> Unstable Angina Pain이 있을 시; No Pain시는 ST Segment Normal

5> Acute Posterior Wall Infarction

11) T Wave; Ventricular Repolarization

12) U Wave

1> Ventricle 의 지연 Repolarization

2> T Wave 뒤에

3> T Wave 와 같은 방향

4> 보이는 경우; Hypokalemia, Quinidine

4. Leads

1) Limb Leads; Frontal Plane; Axis 결정

@ Standard Lead; Bipolar Lead

1> Lead I; RA(-) LA(+); Axis Deviation

2> Lead II; RA(-) LF(+)

3> Lead III; LA(-) LF(+)

@ Augmented Lead; Unipolar Lead

4> AVR; RA(+) LA, LF, RF(-); Normal Inverted T Wave, Normal Large Q Wave; Lead II와 반대

5> AVL; LA(+) RA, LF, RF(-)

6> AVF; LF(+) RA, LA, RF(-); Axis Deviation

2) Chest Leads(= Precordial Lead); Horizontal Plane; Unipolar Lead

* 우측 흉부 유도(Right Chest Leads); Right BBB Check; Right Ventricle 위에

1> V1; 4th Intercostal Space, Right Sternal Border; Hypertrophy

2> V2; 4th Intercostal Space, Left Sternal Border; AV Node Front

* 심실중격위에 위치(Septal Lead; 중격유도); Interventricular Septum위에

; Transitional Zone(이행부위); QRS Complex 에서 R WaveS Wave의 높이가 같아지는 곳

3> V3; Between V2 & V4

4> V4; 5th Intercostal Space, Left Midcalvicular Line

* 좌측 흉부 유도(Left Chest Leads); Left BBB; Left Ventricle위에 놓인다.

5> V5; 5th Intercostal Space, Anterior Axillary Line

6> V6; 5th Intercostal Space, Middle Axillary Line

@ Einthoven's Triangle

RA - LA - LF

@ Einthoven's Law; QRS Complex의 상하 진폭의 합

Lead II = Lead I + Lead III

5. Rates; Normal; 80/min

1) Pacemakers

1> SA Node

2> Ectopic(= Potential) Pacemaker; Inherent Rates

i) Atrial(= Idioatrial); 75/min

ii) AV node(= Idionodal); 60/min; P Wave가 없다.

iii) Ventricular(= Idioventricular); 30 - 40/min

2) Emergency Rates; 150 - 250/min

3) Sinus Tachycardia; > 100/min, Regular Rhythm

4) Sinus Bradycardia; < 60/min, Regular Rhythm

5) 300, 150, 100, 75, 60, 50

250, 136, 94, 71

214, 125, 88, 68

187, 115, 83, 65

167, 107, 79, 62

6) 3 Second Marks; x 20

6 Second Strips; x 10

6. Rhythm

1) Arrhythmia(Varying Rhythm)

1> Sinus Arrhythmia

i) 관상동맥질환에 의해서

Coronary Artery Disease

Sick Sinus node Disease

ii) Pacemaker; SA node

iii) Varying rhythm

iv) P Waves Identical; 모든 P Wave는 동일

2> Wandering Pacemaker

i) Varying rhythm

ii) P Wave Shape Changes

2) Extra Beats & Skips

1> Premature Beats; 기외수축

= Premature Contractions(조기수축)

= Extrasystoles

= Ectopic Beats

= Ectopic Contractions(이소성수축)

; Ectopic Pacemaker에서 발생되어 심방주기보다 조기에 일어나는 심장수축

i) Atrial Premature; Abnormal P Waves

* 진단 기준

심장주기보다 빨리 일어난다.

P Wave 가 동성 P Wave와는 다르다.

Normal QRS Complex

ii) Nodal Premature Contractions

* 진단 기준

심장주기보다 빨리 일어난다.

정상 PR Interval보다 짧은 PR Interval을 가진 P WaveQRS Complex앞에 온다.

or Inverted P Wave

Normal QRS Complex



iii) Ventricular Premature(= Paroxysmal Ventricular Contractions(PVC))

Wide QRS Complex

Large QRS Complex

following Compensatory Pause

1 or 2 이상의 normal Beatscoupled

e.g) Bigeminy, Trigeminy, Quadrigeminy 등등 [P 94]

대개 정상 T Wave 다음에 생긴다. T Wave와 겹친다면 굉장히 불안정한 순간이며 위험한 부정맥이 유발될수도 있다.

* 진단 기준

심장주기보다 빨리 일어난다.

No Ectopic P Wave

Wide(0.12 sec) QRS Complex

iv) Parasystole

2> Escape Beats(보충수축); Ectopic Pacemaker에서 발생되어 심방주기보다 늦게 나타나는 수축

i) Atrial Escape; P Wave 모양이 다르다.

ii) AV nodal(= Junctional, Idionodal) Escape

; 6개 이상의 연속되는 40 - 60/min

* 원인

동성 자극이 일어나지 않거나

자극 전도 차단이 있어서 동성 자극이 전달되지 않는 경우

* 진단 기준

정상심장주기보다 늦게 나타난다.

정상 QRS Complex

No P Wave Response or Inverted P WaveQRS Complex에 앞서거나 뒤서거나 또는 그렇지 않거나 동성 P Wave가 선행하는 경우 PR Interval이 짧아진다.

* Accelerated Idioventricular Rhythm

; 6개 이상 연속으로 일어나는 40 - 100/min의 심실성기외수축

iii) Ventricular Escape Rhythm

; 6개 이상의 연속되는 40/min의 심실성보충수축

PVC type Ventricular Response

* 진단 기준

정상심장주기보다 늦게 나타난다.

No Ectopic P Wave

Wide QRS Complex


iv) Escape Rhythm;

3> Sinus Arrest

4> Sinus Exit Block

i) Bradycardia

ii) No P Waves

iii) Tx; Permanent Artificial Pacemaker

3) Rapid Rhythm

1> (Paroxysmal) Tachycardia; 150 - 250/min

i) Sinus Tachycardia

원인; 흥분, 운동, 자극제(Stimulating Drug), Shock

ii) (Paroxysmal) Atrial Tachycardia(= PAT); 6개 이상의 APCs140 - 220/min로 일어나는 경우

* 진단 기준

최초의 자극은 조기에 일어난다.

이소성 P Wave는 동성 P Wave와 다르다.

Normal QRS Complex

Regular PR Interval

Ventricular rate; 140 - 220/min

@ (Paroxysmal) Atrial Tachycardia with Block; Atrial Tachycardia180/min가 되면 심방흥분이 모두 AVNVentricle에 전달되나 그 이상이 되는 경우 선행하는 흥분에 의해 방실결절이 불응기가 되어 Ectopic P WaveAVN을 지나지 못하는 경우

; 6개 이상이 일련의 APCs

원인; Digitalis 중독시

P Wave Small, Spiked & Up in Lead II & III

ST Segment Isoelectric

QRS Complex에 대해 하나 이상의 P Wave

@ Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia(Chaotic Atrial Rhythm)

; Atria2개 이상의 Ectopic Pacemaker

Rate; 100 - 200/min

Abnormal P Wave

* 진단 기준

조기에 Multiple Ectopic P Wave

Irregular PR Interval

Blocked P Wave

Normal QRS Complex

Atrial Rate; 100 - 200/min

iii) (Paroxysmal) Nodal(= Junctional) Tachycardia(= PNT)

@ Junctional Tachycardia

; 6개 이상의 접합부성기외수축이 빠르게 연속되어 일어나는 경우

Rate; 60 - 160/min

* 진단 기준

Inverted P WaveQRS Complex에 선행되거나 그 직후에 일어나거나 또는 No P Wave

Normal QRS Complex

Rate; 60 - 160/min

@ Junctional Accelerated Tachycardia; Rate; 160 - 220/min

iv) (Paroxysmal) Ventricular Tachycardia; 4(or 6)개 이상의 일련의 PVC

coronary artery disease 시에

DDx; Bundle Branch Block + Supraventricular Tachycardia

* 진단 기준

최초 심박은 초기에 일어난다.

No Ectopic P Wave

Wide QRS Complex

Rate; 100 - 250/min

v) Supraventricular Tachycardia


2> Flutter

@ Atrial Flutter(심방조동)

i) Single Ectopic Atrial Focus

ii) 250 - 300/min or 220 - 350/min

iii) 꺼꾸로 돌려보면 더욱 전형적인 모양이 된다

iv) F Wave(Flutter Wave; 조동파); Saw-Tooth Baseline

v) Varying Rhythm

vi) No real P Waves but,

Multiple Ectopic Atrial Spikes

vii) 진단 기준

F Wave; 220 - 350/min

심실의 반응

전도율이 일정한 경우; Regular

전도율이 변화하는 경우; Irregular

Normal QRS Complex

@ Ventricular Flutter

i) 200 - 300/min or 150 - 300/min

ii) Smooth Sine Curve; QRS Complex

iii) 진단 기준

No Atrial Response; No P Wave

No ST Segment, No T Wave

Rate; 150 - 300/min

3> Fibrillation

@ Atrial Fibrillation

i) Multiple Ectopic Atrial Foci

ii) f Wave(서동파); 너무 빨라 측정이 곤란하다.

??거친 것

??가느다란 것

iii) Rate; 350 - 650/min

iv) 진단 기준

f Wave; 350 - 650/min

심실의 흥분; Irregular, Irregular PR Interval

Normal QRS Complex

@ Ventricular Fibrillation

i) 체순환으로의 혈액 구축이 불가능하다; 제일 응급 상태

ii) Multiple Ectopic Ventricular Foci

iii) 진단 기준

No Atrial Response; No P Wave

No QRS Complex

Irregular Rhythm; 150 - 500/min

4) Heart Blocks

1> SA Block; Block 이전과 이후의 P Wave가 동일하다.

i) 2o Degree Wenckebach Type

* 진단 기준

Progressively Shorter PR Interval & Absent QRS Complex

심실휴지기는 PR Interval2배 이하

심실휴지기에는 P-QRS-T Wave가 없을 것

ii) 2o Mobitz Type

* 진단 기준

Regular PP Interval

심실휴지기는 PR Interval2배 또는 그 이상의 정수배

심실휴지기에는 P-QRS-T Wave가 없을 것

2> AV Block

PR Interval이 길어진다. > 0.2 sec

i) First Degree(1o) AV Block

PR Interval 0.2 sec

Normal P-QRS-T wave Sequence

ii) Second Degree(2o) AV Block

2 : 1 AV Block; QRS Complex 이전에 2개의 P Wave

3 : 1 AV Block; QRS Complex 이전에 3개의 P Wave

@ High Grade AV Block

; 2개 이상의 연속적인 P Wave가 심실로 전달되지 않을 때

* 진단 기준

Regualr PR Interval

심실로 전달되지 않는 2개 이상의 연속적인 P Wave

심방세동 또는 조동이 있을때에는 오랜 휴지기간을 보이는 것

@ Wenckebach Type(Mobitz Type I)

* 진단기준

Progressively Longer PR Interval & Absent QRS Complex

Progressively Shorter RR Interval & Absent QRS Complex

Regular PP Interval

@ Mobitz Type II

* 진단 기준

Regular PR Interval &

Sometimes Absent QRS Complex

iii) Third Degree(3o)(Complete) AV Block(= AV Dissociation)(Mobitz Type III)

; P WaveQRS Complex가 별개로 작용한다.(연관성이 없다.)

* 진단 기준

No Relationship P Wave with QRS Complex

AtriumVentricle사이에 전도가 없다.

Atrium; Sinus or Supraventricular Rhythm

Ventricle; Junctional or Ventricular Escape Rhythm

Atrial Fibrillation이 있으면 Junctional or Ventricular Escape Rhythm때문에 심실박동수가 일정하게 느껴진다.

@ Stokes-Adams Syndrome; 3rd Degree(3o) AV Block 에서 심실의 수축이 너무 느려서 뇌로가는 혈액의 유량이 감소하여 의식을 잃게되는 경우

3> Bundle Branch Block; 존재시에는 QRS Vector Ventricular Hypertrophy를 진단할수 없다.

Wide QRS Complex(사지유도에서) 0.12 sec

R-R' Configuration(좌우흉부유도에서)

i) Right Bundle Branch Block(RBBB); Lead I, V1-2

RVH를 진단할수 없다.

Wide QRS Complex; > 0.12 sec

Inverted T Wave

ST Segment Depression

V1,2; RsR'

Lead I; QRS Complex, Large S Wave

ii) Left Bundle Branch Block(LBBB); Lead I, aVL, V1, V5, V6

LVH를 진단할수 없다.

Wide QRS Complex; > 0.12 sec

Inverted T Wave

ST Segment Depression

V5,6; RR'; EKG 상에서 Infarction을 정확히 진단할수 없다.

Lead I, aVL, V5-6; No Normal Septal Q Wave

V1; qrS Wave

@ Hemiblock; Left Bundle BranchAnterior or Posterior Division Block

1) Anterior Hemoblock

Anterior Division of Left BB block

1/2 of Anterior Infarction

i) LAD; < -40o; without Inferior Wall Infarction

ii) slighted Widened QRS Complex; 0.1 - 0.12 sec

iii) Q1S3; Lead I; Q Wave

Lead III; Wide Deep S Wave

iv) with LVH; aVL; Large R Wave 16 mm

2) Posterior Hemiblock

i) RAD; > 120o; without RVH

ii) Normal or Slightly Widened QRS Complex

iii) S1Q3; Lead I; Wide S Wave

Lead III; Q Wave

3) Bifascicular Blocks

i) RBBB + Anterior Hemiblock

LAD < - 40o

Wide QRS Complex 0.12 sec

Lead I; Wide S Wave

V1; Positive QRS Complex

ii) RBBB + Posterior Hemiblock

RAD 120o

Wide QRS Complex 0.12 sec

Lead I; Wide S Wave

V1; Positive QRS Complex

iii) RBBB or LBBB & 1o AV block(PR Interval 0.2 sec)

RBBB + PR Interval 0.2 sec

Wide QRS Complex 0.12 sec

Lead I; Wide S Wave

V1; Positive QRS Complex

LBBB + PR Interval 0.2 sec

Wide QRS Complex 0.12 sec

No Septal Q Wave; Lead I, aVL, V5-6

V1; Negative QRS Complex

iv) Alternating RBBB or variable LBBB;

Anterior Hemiblock + Posterior Hemiblock(= LBBB)

4) Intermittent Blocks; with at least one normal, non-blocked fascicle

i) RBBB + Anterior Hemiblock + Intermittent Posterior Hemiblock

ii) RBBB + Posterior Hemiblock + Intermittent Anterior Hemiblock

iii) Anterior Hemiblock + Posterior Hemiblock(= LBBB) + Intermittent RBBB

iv) RBBB + Intermittent LBBB

Intermittent Blocks of one fascicle; continuous EKG pattern of normal with intermittent signs of block

Intermittent Blocks of two fascicles; intermittent EKG signs of both blocks

Intermittent Blocks; one intermittent + one permanant Block; continous EKG pattern of one block & intermittent signs of another Block

5) Mobitz II; Ventricular non-conduction

4> Aberrant Conduction; 변형 QRS Complex

; 두 심실 사이에 불응기의 차이가 있어서 약간의 전도 지연이 있는 경우

Wide QRS Complex

i) 원인

선행자극직후의 APCs or JPCs

Aschman Phenomenon; Atrial Fibrillation시에

; Long RR IntervalShort RR Interval이후의 변형 QRS Complex

ii) 진단 기준

APCs with Aberrant Conduction; Premature Ectopic P WaveWide Aberrant QRS Complex에 선행

JPCs with Aberrant Conduction; Premature Inverted P WaveWide Aberrant QRS Complex직전 또는 직후에

Atrial Fibrillation with with Aberrant Conduction; Long RR IntervalShort RR Interval이후의 Wide Aberrant QRS Complex

@ Critical Rate; 어떤 특정한 빠른 속도에 도달했을 때만 각 블럭이 생기는 경우

@ Incomplete BBB

Normal QRS Complex

R-R' Configuration

@ Wolff-Parkinson-White(WPW) Syndrome

Accessory Pathway(Bundle of Kent)

Delta Wave



; Accessory Pathway 에 의해 심실을 자극하는데 걸리는 정상적 지연이 짧아져 유발된 Premature Ventricular Depolarization(조기 심실 탈분극)

* 진단 기준

Short PR Interval

Wide Irregular QRS Complex

Delta Wave

Sometimes Supraventricular Tachycardia

7. Axis

1) Vector

Left Ventricle > Right Ventricle

Septum; Left > Right

2) Mean QRS Complex Vector

기시부; AV node

Downward & to Left & Posterior

Normal Range; 0 - +90o, 0 - +110o

Ventricle Hypertrophy; 같은 방향으로 Deviation

Cardiac Infarction; 반대 방향으로 Deviation

3) Right Axis Deviation(RAD); +110o - ± 180o


Lead I; QRS Complex Negative

* RAD의 원인

1) 마른 체형

2) 우심실 비대

3) 폐질환

4) Extreme Right Axis Deviation; URQ

5) Left Axis Deviation(LAD); - 30o - - 90o


1> Lead I

2> AVF

* LAD의 원인

1) Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

2) Horizontal Heart

3) Inferior Infarction

4) Anterior Hemiblock

5) Anterior Hemiblock + RBBB

8. Hypertrophy

1) Atrial Hypertrophy

원인; Mitral Stenosis

V1; Diphasic P Wave

1> Right Atrial Hypertrophy;

V1 P WaveLarge Initial Component

Lead II; P Wave Height 2.5 mm

2> Left Atrial Hypertrophy; V1 P WaveLarge Terminal Component, Depth

3> Both Atrial Hypertrophy; RAH + LAH

2) Ventricular Hypertrophy

1> Right Ventricular Hypertrophy

i) V1; Large R Wave & small S Wave

ii) RAD

iii) V6; Deep S Wave

iv) V1 R Wave + V6 S Wave 11 mm

vi) Right Chest Lead

ST Segment Depression

Asymmetric Inverted T wave

2> Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

i) Large QRS Complex

ii) LAD

iii) V1; Large S Wave + V5; Large R Wave 35 mm

iv) I, aVL, V5-6; Large R Wave

V1-2; Large S Wave

vi) V5 or V6 R Wave 27 mm

vii) aVL R Wave 11 mm

v) Left Chest Leads(V5,6); 원인 불명

Inverted Asymmetric T Wave(Long Gradual, Rapid)

ST Segment Depression

3> Both Ventricular Hypertrophy

9. Infarction

@ 3‘I’s or Triad of Acute Myocardial Infarction(급성 심근 경색)

1) Ischemia; 허혈; Reversible

1> Inverted Symmetric T Wave; 1st

2> ST Segment Depression

2) Injury; 손상; Reversible

1> ST Segment Elevation; 2nd; means Acute or Recent

2> ST Segment Normal; Chronic

3) Infarction; 경색; Q Wave; 3rd

Abnormal Q Wave

1> Width 0.04 sec

2> Height 1/3 of R Wave

Septal Q Wave; Normal

Lead I, aVL, V5-6

@ Pericarditis

ST Segment Elevation

T Wave; Normal

@ Ventricular Aneurysm

ST Segment Elevation(Irreversible)

@ Types of Infarction

1> Anterior Wall Infarction; LCAAD Branch

i) V1-4 or V2-6; Q Wave

ii) Acute; V1-2; Q Wave or ST Segment Elevation

* Anterior Wall Septal Infarction

V1,2에만; Q Wave or

V1-2; poor R Wave Progression

2> Lateral Wall Infarction; Left Coronary Artery Circumflex Branch

I, AVL, V5-6; Q Wave

3> Inferior(= Diaphragmatic) Wall Infarction

II, III, AVF; Q Wave

4> Posterior Wall Infarction; Anterior Wall Infarction 과는 정확히 반대가 된다.

V2-4R; Q Wave

Acute; V1-3; ST Segment Depression

Large R Wave

V6; Q Wave

Arrhythmia잘 동반; Dangerous

5> Right Ventricle

V1,2; Q Wave

10. Miscellaneous

1) Pulmonary Disease

1> Emphysema

i) Low Voltage

ii) RAD

2> Pulmonary Infarction

i) Lead I; Large S Wave

ii) Lead II; ST Segment Depression

iii) Lead III; Large Q Wave

iv) V1-4; Inverted T Wave

v) Transient RBBB

3> S1Q3 Syndrome; Pulmonary Infarction 의 결과로 오는 급성 폐성심(Acute Cor Pulmonale)

i) Lead I; Large S Wave

ii) Lead III; Q Wave

2) Electrolytes Disturbances; ST Segment Abnormality

1> Potassium(K+)

i) Hyperkalemia


Wide Flat P Wave

Wide QRS Complex

Peaked T Wave


No P Wave

Widened QRS Complex

ii) Hypokalemia; ST Segmrnt Depression


Flat T Wave

U Wave


Inverted T Wave

Prominent U Wave

2> Calcium(Ca2+)

i) Hypercalcemia;

Short ST Segment

Short QT Interval

ii) Hypocalcemia;

Widened ST Segment

Prolonged QT Interval

3) Patterns

1> Ventricular Strain

Waxy Depressed ST Segment; 위로 커브를 그리며 ST 분절 중간에서 점점 위로 굽어진다.

i) Right Ventricular Strain

ii) Left Ventricular Strain

2> Artificial Pacemaker; Electrical Spikes직후에 Ventricular Response

i) Transverse Pacemaker(= Right Ventricular Pacemaker); 가장 널리 사용

All have LBBB pattern QRS

If LAD; Pacemaker in Apex of Right Ventricle; 가장 이상적인 위치

If Normal Axis; Pacemaker in Right Ventricular Mid-Outflow Tract

If RAD; Pacemaker in Right Ventricle, below pulmonic Valves

ii) Epicardiac Pacemaker(= Left Ventricular Pacemaker)



iii) Demand Pacemaker

iv) Atrial Pacemaker

v) P Wave Triggered Pacemaker(= Atrial Synchronous Pacemaker)

vi) Sequential AV Pacemaker

3> Subendocardial Infarction; Flat ST Segment Depression

4> Pericarditis

i) QRS Complex의 합이 음성을 보이는 유도(대개 우측흉부유도)

Flat or Concave Elevated ST Segment ? Inverted T Wave

ii) QRS Complex의 합이 양성을 보이는 유도(유도 I, II )

Elevated ST Segment & T Wave Off Baseline

5> Early Repolarization; Normal Variant

i) Left Chest Lead; V4-6

ii) Elevated ST Segment

6> Dextrocardia; Lead I, aVR, V1-6

i) Lead I; Inverted QRS Complex(or P Wave, T Wave); Negative

ii) V1; Highest R Wave

V6; Smallest R Wave

iii) aVR; Inverted QRS Complex(or P Wave, T Wave); Positive

7> Pediatric ECG; 대략 1년후 성인 ECG와 유사하게 된다.

i) RVH

ii) RAD

iii) V1-3; Inverted T Wave

4) Drugs

1> Digitalis; Lead I, V5-6

i) Excess Digitalis; Hypokalemia에 의해 Exaggerated 된다.

SA Block

PAT with Block

AV Block

Tachycardia with AV Dissociation

Scooping(국자모양) ST Segment

Flat or Inverted T Wave

ii) Digitalis Toxicity


Bigeminy, Trigeminy etc

Ventricular Tachycardia

Ventricular Fibrillation

2> Quinidine; 심근으로 통하는 전기전도(Electrical Conduction)를 느리게 함

심실의 재분극 시간이 길어진다.

i) Quinidine Effects

Wide, Notched P Wave

Wide QRS Complex

ST Depression

Wide QT Interval

U Wave

ii) Quinidine Toxicity; Roller Coaster Patterns

*** 참고 도서 ***

1. 심전도(心電圖) 속성판독법 Rapid Interpretation of EKG's

한국심장질환연구소 편 도서출판 고려의학

2. 심전도해설

김 형묵(金 炯?) () 도서출판 고려의학

EC-IC bypass; Extra-Cranial Intra-Cranial bypass

ECLE; Extra-Capsular Lens Extraction

ECMO; Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation

ECOG; Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group

ECT(?); Electro-Convulsive Therapy; 전기 경련 요법


ED & C; Electro-Desiccation & Curettage

EDC; Estimated Day of Confinement; 출산(분만) 예정일

EDH; Epidural Hematoma; 경뇌막상혈종

EDRF; Endothelium Derived Relaxing Factor

EDS; Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

EDTA; Ethylene Diamino(Diamine)-Tetraacetic Acid

EDV; End Diastolic Volume

EED; Erythema Elevatum Diutinum

EEG; Electro-Encephalo-Graphy(-Gram); 뇌전도, 뇌파 검사

EF; Edema Factor

EF study;


EF = ??????????????????


EF study; Ejection-Fraction study

E. Fetalis; Erythroblastosis Fetalis

EGC; Early Gastric Cancer

EGD; Esophago-Gastro-Duodenoscopy

EGJ; Esophago-Gastric Junction

EHBF; Estimated Hepatic Blood Flow; 추정간혈류량(推定肝血流量)

EHEC; Entero-Hemorrhagic Escherichia Coli

EHDP; Ethane-1-Hydroxyl-1,1-Di-Phosphonate

EHL; Electro-Hydrauric Lithotripsy


1) Exercise Induced Asthma; 운동 유발성 천식


2) Enzyme Immuno-Assay

EIB; Exercise Induced Bronchoconstriction; 운동 유발성 기관지 수축


EIEC; Entero-Invasive Escherichia Coli

EKC; Epidemic Kerato-Conjunctivitis

EKG; Electro-cardio-Graphy(-Gram); 심전도


ELISA; Enzyme-Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay; 효소 면역법

ELT; Euglobulin Lysis Time


1) Erythro-Mycin

2) Electron Microscopy


1) Erythro-mycin

2) Emmetropia(Normal Vision)

EMA-CO; Etoposide, MTX, Actinomycin-D, Vincristine, Cyclophosphomide, Folic Acid

EMB; Ethambutol

EMB Agar; Eosin Methylene Blue Agar

EMD; Electro-Mechanical Dissociation

EMG; Electro-Myo-Graphy; 근전도

EMID; Extra-Medullary Intra-Dural

EM Pathway; Embden Meyerhof Pathway

EN; Erythema Nodosum

ENKAF; Epidermal-derived NK cell-Activating Factor

ENG; Electro-Nystagmo-Graphy

ENL; Erythema Nodosum Leprosum

ENT; Ear, Nose & Throat; 이비인후과

EOAE; Evoked Oto-Acoustic Emission test

EOG; Electro-Oculo-Gram

EPB; Extensor Pollisis Brevis

EPBF; Effective Pulmonary Blood Flow

EPEC; Entero-Pathogenic Escherichia Coli

EPF; Esophago-Pleural Fistula

EPP; Erythropoietic Proto-Porphyria


1) Extra-Pyramidal Syndrome

2) Electro-Physiological Study

EPSP; Excitatory Post-Synaptic Potential; 흥분성 시냅스후 전위


1) Emergency Room; 응급실

2) Estrogen Receptor

ERBD; Endoscopic Retrograde Bile(Biliary) Drainage

ERBSE; Endoscopic Retrograde Balloon Stone Extraction

ERCP; Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography(-gram)

ERG; Electro-Retino-Gram

ERPF; Effective Renal Plasma Flow; 유효신혈류량

ERV; Expiratory Reserve Volume

ESP; Extra-Sensory Perception

ESR; Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate; 0 - 30 mm/Hr(영아)

ESRD; End Stage Renal Disease

EST(?); Electric(Electro-) Shock Theraphy; 전기 충격치료


ESWL; Extracorporeal Shock-Wave Lithotripsy

? Ix for Gall Stone

1. < 4, Φ < 3 cm

2. No Pigment on Calcified Stones

3. OCGGB Visualization

4. StoneUSEarly Observation

? CIx for Gall Stone

1. recent Acute Cholecystitis

2. Cholangitis



1) Essential Thrombocytosis

2) Embryo Transfer

ETAF; Epidermal cell derived Thymocyte Activating Factor

ETEC; Entero-Toxigenic Escherichia Coli

ETF; Eustachian Tube Function

EU; Endoscopic Ultrasonography

EUA; Examination Under Anesthesia

E-W nucleus; Edinger-Westphal nucleus


F; Fahrenheit; 화씨

F wave; Flutter wave


1) Fatty Acid

2) Fluorescent Antibodies; 형광 항체

FAB classification; French, American, British classification

FAC; Familial Amyloid Cardiomyopathy

FAD; Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide

FAM; 5-FU, Adriamycin, Mitomycin-C

FAP; Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy

FB; Foreign Body

FBG; Fasting Blood Glucose

FBS; Fasting Blood Sugar; 공복시 혈당

FBSS; Failed Back Surgery Syndrome


1) FluCytosine

2) Finger Count

FCPD; Fibro-Calculous Pancreatic Disease

FDA; Food & Drug Administration

FDCs; Follicular Dendritic Cells

FDI; F?d?ration Dentaire Internationale

= International Dental Association



1) Fibrinolytic split Products(= FSP)

2) Fibrinogen Degradation Products

FEF; Forced Expiratory Flow

FEF25-75%; Forced Expiratory Flow from 25 to 75 % of the vital capacity

FENa, FeNa; Fractional Excretion of Sodium

; Volume의 개념을 제거하여 좀 더 정확한 신장의 농축 능력을 평가,

낮을수록 농축능 증가를 의미한다.

< 1 %; Prerenal ARF

> 1 %; Renal(Oliguric) ARF

Urine Na x Plasma Cr

= ?????????????????????? x 100

Urine Cr x Plasma Na


UNa / PNa

= ??????????????? x 100

UCr / PCr



= ???????????

Plasma Na

FEP; Free Erythrocyte (Proto)Porphyrins

FEV; Forced Expiratory Volume

FEV1; Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 sec

FFA; Free Fatty Acid; 유리 지방산

FFP; Fresh Frozen Plasma

FFS; Flexible Fiberoptic Sigmoidoscopy

fg; fore ground

FGR; Fetal Growth Retardation

FHF; Fulminant Hepatic Failure

FH; Familial Hypercholesterolemia; 가족성 고콜레스테롤혈증

FHD; Fetal Heart Tone

FHH; Familial Hypocalciuric Hypercalcemia

= Familial Benign Hypercalcemia

FHM; Fetal Heart Movement

FHR; Fetal Heart Rate

FHT; Fetal Heart Tone(s)

FHX, FHx; Family History

FiO2; Fraction of Inspired Oxygen; 흡입 산소 농도

FISH; Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization

FIV; Forced Inspired Volume

5α-DHT; 5α-Di-Hydro-Testosterone

5-HIAA; 5-Hydroxy-Indole-Acetic Acid

5-HT; 5-Hydroxy-Tryptamine

= Serotonin

5-HTP; 5-Hydroxytryptophan

5 YSR; 5 Year Survival Rate


1) Fascia Lata(FL); 대퇴근막(大腿筋膜)

2) Femur Length

FLASH; Fast Low Angle SHot

Flu, Flue; inFluenzae; 감기

FMD; Fibro-Muscular Dysplasia

FMN; Flavin Mononucleotide

FMTC; Familial Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma

FNA; Fine Needle Aspiration

FNAB; Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy

FO; Fossa(Foramen) Ovale

FPC; Familial ; 가족성 용종성 증후군

FPG; Fasting Plasma Glucose

FPL; Flexor Pollicis Longus

FQDN; Fully Qualified Domain Name

FRC; Functional Residual Capacity

FRP; Follicle Regulatory Protein

FRT; Fixation Reflex Test; 안과) 시선 고정 반사 테스트

FSA; Fetal Sulfo-glycoprotein Ag

FSF; Fibrin Stabilizing Factor(Factor XIII)

FSGN; Focal Sclerotic(Segmental) Glomerulo-Nephritis

FSGS; Focal Segmental Glomerulo-Sclerosis


1) Follicle(Follicular)-Stimulating Hormone [HP 1884, 1891, 1902-3, 2010, 2017-21, 2031]

2) Facio-Scapular Humeral

FSH-RH; Follicle Stimulating Hormone Releasing Hormone

FSP; Fibrin Split Product

= FDPs

ft.; foot, feet

FTA-ABS test; Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody ABSorption test

FT3; Free T3

FT4; Free T4

FT3I; Free T3 Index

FT4I; Free T4 Index

= T3RU x T4

FTND; Full-Term Normal Delivery; 만기정상분만(滿期正常分娩)

FTSG; Full Thickness Skin Graft

F/U; Follow Up

FUdR; Fluorodeoxyuridine

FUO; Fever of Unknown(= Undetermined) Origin; (원인)불명열

FVC; Forced Vital Capacity

F wave; Flutter wave; 조동파

Fx; Fracture; 골절(骨折)


g; gram

= gm

G.; Giardia

G. Lamblia; 람불편모충

G-sac; Gestational Sac


1) Gestational Age; 재태주령

2) Gamblers Anonymous

167Ga; radioactive Gallium(used in whole-body & brain scans)

GABA; Gamma-Amino-Butyric Acid

GAF scale; Global Assessment of Functioning scale

GAG; Glycos-Amino-Glycan

GAP; Group for Advancement of Psychiatry

GAP syndrome; Galactorrhea, Amenorrhea, Prolactinoma Syndrome

GB; Gall Bladder; 담낭

GBM; Glomerular Basement Membrane

GBP scan; Gated Blood Pool (cardiac) scan


1. LV 기능 측정

2. Wall Motion분석

3. CO & EF 측정

GBPS; Gated Blood Pool cardiac Scan

= GBP scan


1) Guillain-Barr Syndrome

= PIP; Post-Infectious Polyneuropathy

2) Group B Streptococcus


1) Guanylate Cyclase

2) Gonococcus; 임균

Gc globulin; Group-specific complement globulin

GCS; Glasgow Coma Scale

GER; Gastro-Esophageal Reflux

GERD; Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease

GFR; Glomerular Filtration Rate; 사구체 여과율

25 % 감소시 Clinical Manifestation

50 % 감소시 Lab Azotemia

G-G diet; Giordano-Giovannetti diet

의의; CRF에 쓰인다.


1) Gamma(γ)-Glutamyl Transpeptidase

2) Gamma(γ)-Glutamyl Transferase

GH; Growth Hormone

= Somatotropin

GHB; Gamma-Hydroxy Butyrate

GHQ; General Health Questionaire

GHRH; Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone

GH-V; variant form of Growth Hormone


1) Gastro-Intestinal; 위장의

2) Globin Insulin

3) Granuloma Inguinale

GIDAANT; Gender Identity Disorder of Adolescence or Adulthood, Non-transsexual Type

GIF; Gastro-Intestinal Fiberoscopy

GIFT; Gamate Intra-Fallopian Transfer; 생식세포 난관내 이식술

GIH; Growth hormone release Inhibiting Hormone

= Somatostatin


1) Giant cell Interstitial Pneumonia

2) Gastric Inhibitory (Poly)Peptide

GLOBE; Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment

gm; gram

= g

GM; Glioblastoma Multiforme; 다형성 교아세포종

GM-CSF; Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor

GMP; Guanosine Mono-Phosphate

GN; Glomerulo-Nephritis

GNB; Gram Negative(-) Bacilli

GNBP; Gram Negative(-) Bacillary Pneumonias

GnRH; Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone [HP 1898, 2034]


= Gonadorelin

; 44 Amino Acids(29 AA; necessary)

; belongs to a family of Molecules

1) Secretin

2) Glucagon

3) VIP

4) GIP

; Production

1) Arcuate Nucleus of the Hypothalamus; Major Site

2) Ventromedial Nucleus; a few

; Axon project to the Median Eminence

terminate on the Portal Vessels

; Present; Mucosa of the Small Intestine

; 1) Stimulate GH Release & Synthesis in Vitro & in Vivo

2) Calcium-dependent

3) mediated cAMP

4) Enhances GH gene transcription

5) Stimulates c-fos(a growth signal-transducing oncogene)

; IV Injection; 0.1 - 3.3 μg/kg of BW

Peak GH Response; 30 - 60 min

Return to Baseline; 2 - 3 Hr

GOT; Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase


1) General Practitioner; 전과의(全科醫)

2) General Paresis

3) Geometric Progression

GPIb; Glyco-Protein Ib

gr.; grain; 1 gr. = 0.0648 gm

GRASS; Gradient Recalled Acquisition at Steady State

grav.; gravida; pregnancy; 임신

GRH; Growth hormone Releasing Hormone

GRP; Gastrin-Releasing Peptide


1) Gall Stone

2) General Surgery

G6PD, G6PD, G-6-PD; Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase

GSR; Galvanic Skin Response

GTD; Gestational Trophoblastic Disease


? Stages of GTN(FIGO, WHO)

1. Stage O; Molar Pregnancy(H-Mole)

2. Stage I; confined to Uterine Corpus

3. Stage II; Metastasis to Pelvis & Vagina

4. Stage III; Metastasis to Lung

5. Stage IV; Distant Metastasis(Brain, Liver, Kidney, Spleen or GI tract)

GTP; Guanosine Tri-Phosphate


1) Gestational Trophoblastic Tumor

2) Glucose Tolerance Test; 당부하검사

gtt; guttae; drops; 방울 방울

GU; Genito-Urinary; 비뇨생식기의

GUT; Genito-Urinary Tract

GVHD; Graft-Versus-Host Disease; 식대주 질환

Gyn.; Gynecology; 부인과



1) Hemophilus; 호혈균()

H. influenzae; 인플루엔자 호혈균

2) Helicobacter

H. pylori

3) Hydatidiform

H. Mole; Hydatidiform Mole; 포상기태 [HP 1861, 1944, 1947, 2030]

1> Complete Hydatidiform Mole

2> Partial Hydatidiform Mole

h.; hour; 시간


1) Hemolytic Anemia

2) Head-Ache

HACE; High Altitude Cerebral Edema

HAM; 1) Human Albumin Microsphere

2) HTLV-1 Associated Myelopathy

HAPE; High Altitude Pulmonary Edema

HARH; High Altitude Retinal Hemorrhage

HAV; Hepatitis A Virus

Hb; Hemoglobin; 혈색소; 13 - 15 mg%

1 gm 파괴시 Indirect Bilirubin 40 mg 증가

= Hgb

HBD; α-Hydroxy-Butyrate Dehydrogenase

HBI; Hemi-Body Irradiation

HBIG; Hepatitis B Immuno-Globulin; B형 간염 면역글로불린

HBO; HyperBaremic Oxygen

HBPV; Haemophilus influenza type B Polysaccharide(PRP) Vaccine; B형 헤모필루스 인플루엔자 피막 다당질 백신

HBeAg; Hepatitis Be Antigen

HBsAg; Hepatitis B surface Antigen

HBUS; Hepato-Biliary Ultra-Sound

HBV; Hepatitis B Virus


1) Head Circumferrence; 두위

2) 탄화수소

3) Head Compression

HCC; Hepato-Cellular Cacinoma

HCCa; Hepato-Cellular Cacinoma

HCG, hCG; Human Chorionic Gonadotropin; 사람융모성성선자극호르몬

1. Placental Glycoprotein Hormone

2. Resemble LH(secreted by Pituitary gland)

3. Synthesis; Syncytiotrophoblast cell in Placenta

4. Structure; Dimer α, β

MW 39,000

5. Detection

1) First; 8-9 days after ovulation(in blood)

few days after implantation

increase with implatation; Blood > Urine

2) Urine; 30 days

3) Peak; middle of 1st trimester

60 - 70 days(8 - 10 wks)

60 - 90 days; 100 IU/ml

10 - 12 wks after ovulation

4) Decrease; 100 - 130 days(16 - 20 wks) after ovulationLower Level 도달

임신이 끝날때까지 일정 Level 유지

5) Delivery2 wks에 정상화

** 분비가 증가되는 경우(Significant Higher Titer) **

1. Multiple Fetus

2. Erythroblastosis Fetalis; maternal isoimmunization

3. H. mole

4. Choriocarcinoma; TRD(Trophoblastic Disease)

5. PIH, DM

** Significant Lower Titer **

1. Threatened Abortion

2. Ectopic Pregnancy

3. Fetal Death

6. Function; same to LH

1) 임신 초기 유지 & promote growth of Corpus Luteum; > 2 times

** Corpus Luteum **

; maintain pregnancy for first 2-4 Mo

secretion of ??Estrogen


1> stimulate growth of Endometrium; decidual cell growth

2> prevent menstruation

3> Involution; 13-17 wks of gestation

4> placenta; secretion of ??Estrogen


2) stimulate secretion of testosterone by Leydig cells in fetal testis

; interstitial cell stimulating effects

1> promote formation of male sexual organs

2> descend testicules into scrotum

3> stimulate fetal testis Steroidogenesis; Cholesterol Side Chain Cleavage; 성분화

4> stimulate fetal adrenal Steroidogenesis

3) stimulate fetal ovary

4) FSH primed된 경우 stimulate ovulation; same to LH

5) Maternal Immunosuppression(Immunologic privileges); 임신 거부 반응 억제

7. Clinical Uses

1) pregnancy test; 혈중 hCG

2) 임신 초기(first trimester) 태아 발육의 Indicator

3) TRDDx or Follow-Up study

8. Nisula & Ketelslegers

Choriocarcinoma; high hCG --> high Thyrotropine --> Thyrotoxicosis

** Hormonal Overlap Syndrome **

TRDhigh hCG --> high TSH(유사 α-chain 구조) --> Thyrotoxicosis

HCM; Hypertrophic Cardio-Myopathy


HCMP; Hypertrophic Cardio-Myo-Pathy


HCN; Hydrogen Cyanide; 청산

HCO; Health Care Organization; 의료조직

= MCO; Medical Care Organization

HCP; Hereditary Copro-Porphyria; 유전성 CoproPorphyria

HCT, Hct; Hematocrit; 혈구용적; 35 - 45 %

HCV; Hepatitis C Virus

HCVD; Hypertensive Cardio-Vascular Disease; 고혈압 심장성 혈관 질환


1) Hodgkin's Disease

2) Hemo-Dialysis

3) High Density

4) Hearing Disturbance

HDCV; Human Diploid Cell Vaccine; 인간 이배체 세포 백신

HDL; High Density Lipoprotein; 고밀도 지질 단백질

HDN; Hemolytic Disease of Newborn

HDV; Hepatitis D(elta) Virus

= HBV associated Delta Agent

HE stain; Hematoxylin-Eosin stain

HEMPAS Test; Hereditary Erythrocytic Multinuclearity with Positive Acidified Serum Test

HEV; Hepatitis E Virus

HFRS; Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome [HP 849-50]

= Korean Hemorrhagic Fever

= Far Eastern Hemorrhagic Fever

= Endemic or Epidemic Nephroso-nephritis

= Manchurian Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever

= Songo Fever

= Churilov's Disease


? 5 Periods of HFRS

1. Febrile Period; 3 - 6

; Fever, 두통, 안구통, 요복통(3주통), 결막및 인후의 충혈, 점상 출혈

2. Hypotensive Period; 매우 주의해야

3. Oliguric Period; 출혈증상의 악화

4. Diuretic Period

5. Convalescent Period


Hgb; Hemoglobin

= Hb

HGPRT; Hypoxanthine-Guanine Phospho-Ribosyl Transferase

HHH Syndrome; Hyperamnonemia-Hyperornithinemia-Homocitrullinemia Syndrome

HI antibody; Hemagglutination Inhibiting antibody; 혈구 응집 억제 항체

HI Method; Hemagglutination Inhibiting Method; 혈구 응집 억제법

Hib; Haemophilus Influenzae B type; B 형 인플루엔자균

HIV; Human Immunodeficiency Virus

HIVD; Herniation(Herniated) of Inter-Vertebral Disc

? Cervical HIVD


1. Cervical Rib

2. Compression of Brachial Plexus

? Lumbar HIVD


1. 1o & metastatic Tumor

2. Spinal Injury & Anomaly

3. Hypertrophy of Spine

4. other Disease of Spine & Pelvic Bone

5. Tumors of Pelvis


HL; Half Life

HLA; Human Leukocyte Antigen; 인백혈구 항원

? HLA B27 Ag

(+)로 나오는 경우

1. Ankylosing Spondylitis; 90 % (+)

HLDA; HoLD Acknowledge

HMD; Hyaline Membrane Disease; 유리질막증

HMG, hMG; Human Menopausal Gonadotropin

HMO; Health Maintenance Organization; 건강 유지 조직

HMP Shunt; Hexose Mono-Phosphate Shunt

HMSN; Hereditary Motor-Sensory Neuropathy

HMW; High Molecular Weight

HMWM; High Molecular Weight Multimers

H & N; Head & Neck

Hn; Herniation

HNP; Herniation(Herniated) of Nucleus Pulposus; 척추간판 탈출증

HOA; Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy

HOF; Height Of Fundus; Distance to Uterine Fundus from Symphisis

HP; Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

= Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis

HPA axis; Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis

HPF, hpf; High Power Field; 고배율 시야

hPL; human Placental Lactogen

= Chorionic Somatomammotropin

HPP; Hereditary Pyro-Poikilocytosis

HPRT; Hypoxanthine Phospho-Ribosyl-Transferase

HPV; Human Papilloma Virus

HPZ; High Pressure Zone; 고압지대

HR; Heart Rate

HRCT; High Resolution Computed Tomography


HRIG; Human Rabies Immuno-Globulin; 인체 광경병 면역 글로불린

HS; Hereditary Spherocytosis

h.s.; hora somni; at bedtime; 취침시()

H2S; Hydrogen Sulfate; 황화수소

HSA; Human Serum Albumin

3β-HSD; 3β-Hydroxy-Steroid Dehydrogenase

HSG; Hystero-Salpingo-Gram

HSM Syndrome; juvenile-familial Endocrinopathy Hypoparathyroidism Addison's Disease Menillansis

HSP; Henoch Schonlein Purpura

HSV; Herpes Simplex Virus

HT; Head Trauma

ht.; height; 신장,

HTIG: Human Tetanus Immune Globulin

HTN; Hypertension

hTN; hypotension

HTST; High Temperature Short Time Pasteurization

; 71.5 , 15 sec간 가열후 10 이하로 급냉각

HUS; Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

HVA; Homo-Vanillic Acid

HVL; Half-Value Layer

h.w.b.; hot water bag; 더운물주머니

HX, Hx; History

Hx; History Taking

hypo.; hypodermic(ally) injection; 피하주사


I; Inspiration

131I; radioactive Iodine(used in Thyroid uptake, Liver & Kidney Scans & Treatment of malignant & nonmalignant conditions of the thyroid)

123I-MIBG; 123I-Meta-Iodo-Benzyl-Guanidine

131I-MIBG; 131I-Meta-Iodo-Benzyl-Guanidine

IABP; Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump(Plasty)

? Ix

1. Low Output Syndrome

2. CO < 2 L/min/m2

3. systolic BP < 80

or 100 mmHg If Pt. was formerly Hypertensive

4. Urinary Output < 20 mL/Hr


IAPP; Insulinoma Amyloid Poly-Peptide

IBD; Inflammatory Bowel Disease

IBS; Irritable Bowel Syndrome


1) Iidirect Current

2) Intra-Cranial

3) Inspiratory Capacity

I & C; Incision & Curretage


1) Islet Cell Antibody

2) Internal Carotid Artery

ICAMs; Inter-Cellular Adhesion Molecules

ICCE; Intra-Capsular Cataract Extraction


1) International (statistical) Classification of Diseases, (injuries & causes of death)

2) Intrauterine Contraceptive Device

ICF; Intra-Cellular Fluid; 세포내액

ICG test; Indo-Cyanine Green loading test; Indo-Cyanine Green 색소 부하검사

ICH; Intra-Cerebral Hemorrhage

ICL; Idiopathic CD4 + T Lymphocytopenia

ICP; Intra-Cranial Pressure

ICR; Intra-Cavitary Radiotheraphy

ICS; Inter-Costal Space

= IS

ICs; Immune Complexes

ICU; Intensive Care Unit; 집중 치료실, 중환자실


1) Immuno-Diffusion

2) Intra-Dermal; 피내로

3) Intra-Dural

I & D; Incision & Drainage; 절개와 배액법


1) Imino-Diacetic Acid

2) Iron Deficiency Anemia


1. Blood Loss(Pathologic Iron Loss); mc

1) Gastrointestinal Bleeding

2) Genitourinary Bleeding

3) Pulmonary Hemosiderosis

4) Intravascular Hemolysis

2. Increased Requirement(Iron Utilization)

1) Postnatal Growth Spurt

2) Adolescent Growth Spurt

3. Physiologic Iron Loss

1) Menstruation

2) Pregnancy

4. Inadequate Dietary Intake

1) Cereal-rich, Meat poor Diets

2) Food Faddists

3) Elderly & Indigent

5. Decreased Intestinal Absorption

1) Malabsorption

IDDM; Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus

= Type I DM

IDEM tumor; Intra-Dural Extra-Medullary tumor

IDL; Intermediate Density Lipoprotein; 중밀도 지질 단백질

IDSA; Intravenous Digital Subtraction Angiography

IDU; IDoxUridine

IDUs; Injection Drug Users

IE; Infective Endocarditis; 감염성 심내막염

IEP; Immuno-Electro-Phoresis


1) Immuno-Fluorescence

2) Intrinsic Factor

IF test; Immuno-Fluorescence test

IFA; Immuno-Fluorescence Antibody Test(= Assay)

IFA test; Indirect Fluorescent Antibody test

IFN; InterFeroN

Ig; Immuno-globulin

IgA; Immuno-globulin A; (27)(30)60(100) - (170)(80)(250)380 mg/dL

IgD; Immuno-globulin D;

IgE; Immuno-globulin E; 50(100) - 370(300) Unit, < 400 Unit

IgG; Immuno-globulin G; (380)(600)800(900) - (1000)(1200)1800 mg/dL

IgM; Immuno-globulin M; (28)60(40) - (98)(100)(113)260(220) mg/dL

IGF; Insulin-like Growth Factor

= Somatomedin

IGF 1; Insulin-like Growth Factor 1

= Somatomedin C

IGHD; Idiopathic Growth Hormone Deficiency

IgMαHBc; IgM Antibody against Hepatitis B core Antigen

IGT; Impaired Glucose Tolerance

IHA test; Indirect Hem-Agglutination test

IHD; Ischemic Heart Disease

= Coronary Heart(Artery) Disease

= Atherosclerotic Heart Disease


1) International Headache Society

2) Intelligent Hospital System

IHSS(= HCMP); Idiopathic Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis

= Obstructive Idiopathic Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

? CIx

1. Diuretics

2. Nitrates

3. β-Agonist(Stimulant)

4. Digitalis


IICP; Increased Intra-Cranial Pressure

IIOC; Incompetent Internal Os of Cervix

IL; Inter-Leukin

IL-1; Interleukin-1

IL-8; Interleukin-8

ILD; Interstitial Lung Disease

ILO; International Labo(u)r Organization; 국제노동기구


1) Intra-Muscular(ly) (injection); 근육으로, 근육주사

2) Infectious Mononucleus(Mononucleosis)

= Glandular Fever

IM nail; Intra-Medullary nail

IMDS; Idiopathic Myelo-Dysplastic Syndrome

= Preleukemia

= Refractory Anemias

imho; in my humble(or honest) opinion

IMP; Inosinate

IMR; Infant Mortality Rate; 영아 사망률

INF-γ; Interferon-γ

INH; Isoniazid

INPV; Intermittent Negative Pressure Ventilation; 간헐적 음압환기 요법

INR; International Normalized Ratio


patient PT

R = ????????????????

mean normal PT

I & O; Intake & Output; 섭취량과 배설량

IP; Incubation Period; 잠복기

IP3; Inositol tri-Phosphate

IPA; Iso-Propyl Alcohol

IPD; Intermittent Peritoneal Dialysis

IPF; Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

IPG; Impedance Plethysmo-Graphy

IPPB; Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing; 간헐적 양압 호흡

IPPV; Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation; 간헐적 양압 환기 요법

IPSID; Immuno-Proliferative Small Intestine Disease

IPSP; Inhibitory Post-Synaptic Potential; 억제성 시냅스후 전위

IPT; Interpersonal Psycho-Therapy

iPTH; immunoreactive PTH

IPU; Inter-Parliamentary Union; 국제의회동맹

IQ, I.Q.; Intelligence Quotient; 지능지수(知能指數), 지능계수(知能系數)

IRC; International Red Cross


1) Intra-Retinal Microvascular Abnormalities

2) Immuno-Radio-Metric Assay

IRV; Inspiratory Reserve Volume

IS; Intercostal Space



1) Intrinsic Sympathomimetic Activity

2) Industrial Standard Architecture; 산업표준구조

ISD; Inter-Spinous Distance

ISF; Inter-Stitial Fluid; 간질액

ISG; Immune Serum Globulin

ISI; International Sensitivity Index of reagent/instrument combination

ISS; International Staging System

IT; Intra-Thecal

ITP; Idiopathic(Immune) Thrombocytopenic Purpura

ITx; Immunotherapy


1) International Unit; 국제단위

2) Immunizing Unit; 면역단위

IUCD; Intra-Uterine Contraceptive Devices; 자궁내 피임 장치


IUD; Intra-Uterine Device(s); 자궁내 장치

; 월경중에 삽입한다.


IUdR; 5'-Iodo-2'-Deoxyuridine

IUGR; Intra-Uterine Growth Retardation; 자궁내 성장 장애

IV; Intra-Venous(ly) injection; 정맥으로, 정맥주사


1) Inferior Vena Cava

2) Intra-Venous Cholangiography

IVF; In Vitro Fertilization; 체외 수정

IVF-ET; In Vitro Fertilization - Embryo Transfer

IVIG; Intra-Venous Immuno-Globulin; 정맥 주사용 면역 글로불린

IVP; Intra-Venous Pyelography(-Gram); 경정맥성 신우 촬영술

= Excretary Urography; 배설성요로조영술

? CIx

1. 간 및 신장의 복합질환

2. 요오드에 대한 과민증

3. Oliguria

4. Serum Cr; 2.5 - 3.0 mg% 이상


IVS; Interventricular Septum

IVT; Intra-Venous Transfusion

IVU; Intra-Venous Urography


JG; Juxta-Glomerulus

JOC; Journal of Oncologic Clinical(?)

JRA; Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis; 연소기 류마토이드 관절염

= Juvenile Chronic Arthritis; 연소기 만성 관절염

Def; 15세 이하의 소아에서 6주이상 지속되는 관절염(= Still's Disease)

Jt; Joint

JVP; [POMD P 49 - 52]

1) Jugular Vein Pressure

2) Jugular Venous Pulse

Three Positive Waves; A, C, V

Two Negative Waves; X, Y

? A wave; the tallest Waves

1) by Right Atrial Contraction

2) begin before S1

peak just before or during S1

3) If S4 present, coincides with the summit of the wave

4) precedes the carotid pulse


1. Large or Giant A wave

1) by increased resistance at the tricuspid valve or

increased resistance to right ventricular filling

2) Causes

1> Tricuspid Stenosis or Atresia

2> Ebstein's Anomaly

3> Pulmonary Stenosis

4> Pulmonary Hypertension

i) Primary

ii) Eisenmenger's Syndrome(uncommon)

iii) Mitral Stenosis

iv) Acute & Chronic Cor Pulmonale

v) Tricuspid Regurgitation

(nonrheumatic cases secondary to pulmonary hypertension)

5> Cardiomyopathy

6> Idiopathic Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis(IHSS)

7> Aortic Stenosis(some cases)

2. Decreased A wave; markedly dilated Right Atrium

3. Absent A wave; replaced by flutter waves

1) Atrial Fibrillation

2) Atrial Flutter

4. Cannon A wave; by fusion of giant A waves with C or V waves

1) Regualr Cannon A wave

1> Atrioventricular(AV) Junctional Rhythm

2> First-Degree AV Block(some cases)

3> 2 : 1 AV Block

4> Atrial Tachycardia(some cases)

i) Paradoxical Nodal Tachycardia

2) Irregular Cannon A wave

1> Premature Systoles

i) Ventricular(frequently)

ii) AV Junctional(sometimes)

iii) Atrial(rarely)

2> Complete AV Dissociation

i) Complete AV Block

ii) AV Junctional Tachycardia(some cases)

iii) Ventricular Tachycardia(some cases)

3> Atrial Flutter(difficult to detect)

? C wave

1) by Right Ventricular Systole &

Bulging of th Tricuspid valve into the Right Atrium

Impact of the carotid pulse against the jugular vein

2) begins at the end of S1

peak shortly thereafter

3) coincides with the upstroke of the carotid pulse

? X descent; Systolic Collapse of the Venous Pulse; deeper than the Y wave

1) by Right Atrial Relaxation &

Downward displacement of the base of the heart

2) divide into; by C wave

1> X descent

2> X' descent

3) 0.10 sec before S2

4) occurs during the peak of the carotid pulse


1. Decreased X descent; Atrial Fibrillation

2. Partially or Completely Obliterated by a Regurgitant Wavs(called the CV, S, or V waves); Tricuspid Regurgitation

3. Deeper than the Y Descent; Chronic Constrictive Pericarditis

? V wave

1) by Right Atrial Filling during Right Ventricular Systole while the tricuspid valve is closed

2) begins shortly before P2

peaks 0.06 - 0.08 sec after P2

3) peak occurs after the dicrotic notch of the carotid pulse


1. Large V Wave

1) Tricuspid Regurgitation

2) Right-sided Heart Failure

3) Atrial Septal Defect(about 50 % of cases)

4) Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Drainage

? Y descent; Diastolic Collapse of the Venous Pulse

1) by the rapid flow of the blood into the Right Ventricle after the opening of the Tricuspid Valve

2) begin the end of the V wave

end with the Y trough

3) about 0.20 sec after P2

4) comes along after the carotid pulse is felt


1. Slow, Shallow Y descent; Tricuspid Stenosis

2. Rapid, Steep Y descent

1) Constrictive Pericarditis

2) severe Right-sided Heart Failure

Jx; Junction


K+; Potassium; Electrolyte

KAP study; Knowledge, Attitude & Practice study

Ka; Kallikrein

KDO; 2-Keto-3-Deoxy-Octonate

K-F Ring; Kayser-Fleischer Ring

kg; kilogram; 1000 gram

KHF; Korean Hemorrhagic Fever


KI(?); Potassium Iodide; 옥화칼륨

KIDS; Kansas Infant Development Screen

KLH; Keyhole-Limpet Hemocyanin antigen

KM; Kana-Mycin

KOH; Potassium Hydroxide [HP 272-3]

17-KS; 17-Keto-Steroid

KUB; Kidney, Ureter & Bladder; 신장, 요관, 방광; 단순 요로 촬영

= Plain Film

= Scout Film

KW change; Keith Wagener change

KWIS; Korean Wechsler Intelligence Scale; 한국판 웩슬러 지능 검사



1) Lumbar Vertebrae

L1; 1st Lumbar Vertebrae

L2; 2nd Lumbar Vertebrae

2) Liter


1) Left Atrium

2) Latex Agglutination

L & A; Light & Accommodation; 광선및 조절

LAA; Left Atrial(or Auricular) Appendage

Lab., lab.; Laboratory; 검사실


1) Left Axis Deviation; 좌축 편위

2) Left Anterior Descending coronary artery


1) Late Asthmatic Effect

2) Left Atrial Enlargement

LAH; Left Atrial Hypertrophy

LAI assay; Leukocyte Adherence Inhibition assay

LAK T cells; Lymphokine Activated Killer T cells

LAMB Syndrome; Lentigines, Atrial myxoma, Blue nevi Syndrome


1) Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase

2) Leucine Amino-Peptidase

LASER; Light Amplication by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

LATS; Long-Acting Thyroid Stimulating hormone(= Stimulator)

lb; libra; pound

LBBB; Left Bundle Branch Block

LBP; Low Back Pain

LBW; Low Birth Weight

LBWI; Low Birth Weight Infant; 저출생체중아(低出生體重兒)


1. 모체;Mother

1) 자궁경관무력증;Cervical Incompetency

2) 자궁의 기형과 확장된(overdistended) 자궁

3) 산모의 심한 질병

1> 급성신우신염

2> 심한 폐렴으로 인한 저산소증

3> 습관성 미숙아 분만

2. 태아;Fetus

1) 선천성기형아

2) 태아적모구증

3) 염색체이상

4) 감염

3. 태반;Placenta

1) 양막 파열;Rupture of Amniotic Membrane

2) 태반의 조기박리및 전치 태반

3) 태반 기능 부전

4. 사회 경제적 원인; 사회 경제적 환경이 나쁜 경우

1) 나쁜 영양 상태

2) 부적절한 산전 간호

3) 환경에서 오는 Stress

LC; Liver Cirrhosis

LCA; Left Coronary Artery

LCAT; Lecithin Cholesterol Acyl-Transferase

LCC; Left Common Carotid artery

LCCA; Left Common Carotid Artery

LCP Disease; Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease

? Stages of LCP Disease(= Juvenile Idiopathic AVN)

1. Incipient or Synovitis Stage; 1 - 3 wk

2. Avascular or Aseptic Necrotic Stage; 6 Mo - 1 Yr

3. Regenerative or Fragmentation Stage; 1 - 3 Yr

4. Residual Stage or Reparative Stage


1) Lamina Densa

2) Lymphocyte Depletion

3) Lethal Dose; 치사량

LD50; Median Lethal Dose; 반치사량

LDH; Lactic Acid(Lactate) De-Hydrogenase; 유수탈수소효소

; < 370 Unit

증가하는 경우

1. AMI; Flipped Pattern; LDH1 > LDH2; 3 - 6 일에 최고치, 1주일 지나면 정상화

LDL; Low Density Lipoprotein; 저밀도 지질 단백질

LE; Lupus Erythematosus; 홍반성 루푸스(낭창)

L/E; Lower Extremity

LEMS; Lambert Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome

LES; Lower Esophageal Sphincter; 하부 식도 괄약근

LESP; Lower Esophageal Sphincter Prssure


1) Lethal Factor

2) Line Feed

3) Left Foot

LFT; Liver Function Test

LGA; Large for Gestational Age; 과체중아

LGL Syndrome; Lown-Ganong-Levine Syndrome

LGV; Lympho-Granuloma Venereum

LH; Luteinizing Hormone

LHA; Left Hepatic Artery

LHRF; Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Factor

LHRH; Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone

? GnRH; Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone

= Gonadorelin

LI; Lateral Infarction

LIP; Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonia

LL; Left Leg

LLL; Left Lower Lobe(of Lung)

LLOs; Legionella-Like Organisms

LLQ; Left Lower Quadrant; 좌측하부 4분의 1

LMA; Left Mento-Anterior

LMB; Left Main Bronchus

LMN; Lower Motor Neuron

LMP; Last Menstrual Period; 최종 월경기

LN; Lymph Node

LND; Light-Near Dissociation

LOA; Left Occipito-Anterior

LOC; Loss Of Consciousness

LOP; Left Occipito-Posterior

LOS; Lipo-Oligo-Saccharides


1) Lymphocyte Predominant

2) Lumbar Puncture

LP shunt; Lumbo-Peritoneal shunt

L-PAM; L-Phenyl-Alanine Mustard

= Melphalan

LPD; Luteal Phase Defect

LPF, lpf; Low Power Field; 저배율시야

LPH; Lipotropic Hormone

= Lipotropin

LPL; Lipo-Protein Lipase

LPM; Line Per Minute

LPO; Left Posterior Oblique view

LR; Light Perception

L/R; Light Reflex

LRE; Lamina Rara Externa

LRI; Lamina Rara Interna

L/S ratio; Lecithin/Sphingomyelin

> 2이나 IRDS가 오는 경우

1. DM Mother

2. Erythroblastosis Fetalis

3. Metabolic Disease of Fetus

4. Deficit of Phosphatidylglycerol

LSA; Left Subclavian Artery

LSB; Left Sternal Border

LSD; Lysergic acid Diethylamide


1) Liver Specific Protein

2) Left Sacrum Posterior

L-tube; Levin tube


1) heat-Labile enteroToxin

2) Leuko-Trience

LTB4; Leuko-Trience B4

LTH; Low Temperature Holding Method of Pasteurization; 저온유지식살균법(우유소독법)

; 62 - 63 , 30 min

LUF syndrome; Lutenized Unruptured Follicle syndrome

LUL; Left Upper Lobe(of Lung)

LUQ; Left Upper Quadrant; 좌측상부 4분의 1


1) Left Ventricle

2) Lateral Ventricle

LVEDV; Left Ventricular End-Diastolic Volume

LVESV; Left Ventricular End-Systolic Volume

LVFP; Left Ventricular Filling Pressure

LVH; Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

LVOT; Left Ventricular Outflow Tract



1) Murmur

2) Male; 남자

M.; Mycoplasma(= Asterococcus)

M. Pneumoniae; 폐렴미코플라즈마

M-A tube; Miller Abbott tube

MAA; Macro-Aggregated Albumin

MAbs; Monoclonal Antibodies


1) Maximal Allowable Concentration

2) MTX, Actinomycin-D, Cyclophosphamide

3) MTX, Actinomycin-D, Chlorambucin

MAD; Major Antigenic Determinant

MAG; Myelin Associated Glycoprotein

MAG; Mercapto-Acetyl-Triglycine

MAHA; Micro-Angiopathic Hemolytic Anemia; PBHelmet Cell


1. Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

2. TTP

3. DIC

MAI; Mycobacterium Avium-Intracellulare

MALT; Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue


1) MonoAmine Oxidase

2) Maximal Acid Output

MAOI; MonoAmine Oxidase Inhibitors

MAP; Mean Arterial Pressure

MAS; Meconium Aspiration Syndrome; 태변(양수)흡인증후군

= Massive Aspiration Syndrome; 양수 대량 흡인 증후군

= Meconium Aspiration Pneumonia태변 흡인성 폐렴

MAST; Michigan Alcohol Screening test

MAT; Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia


1) Maximal Breathing Capacity

2) Minimal Bactericidal Concentration

MBD; Minimal Brain Dysfuction

MBK; Methylen Butyl-Ketone

MBV; Maximal Breathing Volume



1) Musculo-Cutaneous

2) Mixed Cellularity

mc; most common

MCA; Middle Cerebral Artery


1) Minimal Change Disease

2) Menstrual Cycle Day

mcg; microgram; μgm, 10-6 gm

MCH; Mean Corpuscular(= Cell) Hemoglobin; 26 - 33 pg; 평균적혈구 혈색소량


= ??????????? x 10

RBC Count

RBC Count106으로 나눈 숫자

MCHC; Mean Corpuscular(= Cell) Hemoglobin Concentration; 32 - 36 %; 평균적혈구 혈색소농도


= ???? x 100


의의; Hyperchromic, Normochromic, Hypochromic 의 구별

MCL; Minimal Change Disease

MCLS; Muco-Cutaneous Lymph node Syndrome

= Kawasaki Disease

MCN; Minimal Change Nephrotic syndrome


MCNS; Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome


MCO; Medical Care Organization; 의료조직

= HCO; Health Care Organization

MCP; Meta-Carpo-Phalangeal

MCP joint; Meta-Carpo-Phalangeal joint

MCT; Medium Chain Triglyceride

MCTD; Mixed Connective Tissue Disease

MCV; Mean Corpuscular(= Cell) Volume; 80 - 100 fL(= 10-5 L); 평균적혈구용적


= ????????? x 10

RBC Count

RBC Count106으로 나눈 숫자

의의; Macrocytic, Normocytic, Microcytic의 구별


1) Medicinae(Medical) Doctor; 의학박사

2) Mid-Day; 정오

MDHP; Methylene Hydroxy-Di-Phosphonate

MDI; Manic(Mood) Depressive Illness

MDII; Multiple Daily Insulin Injections

MDM; Minor Determinant Mixture

MDP; Methylene Di-Phosphonate

MDR; Multi-Drug Resistance

MDS; Myelo-Dysplastic Syndrome

= Refractory (Dysmyelopoietic) Anemia

= (Idiopathic) Myelodysplastic Syndrome

= Refractory Anemia

= Preleukemia

MEDAC Syndrome; Multiple-Endocrine Deficiency Autoimmune-Candidiasis

MEFR; Maximal Expiratory Flow Rate

MEFV; Maximal Expiratory Flow-Volume

MELAS Syndrome;

1. Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy

2. Lactic Acidosis

3. Stroke Syndrome

MEM Test; Macrophage Electrophoretic Mobility Test

MEN; Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia

; AD Trait

1. MEN Type I(= Wermer Syndrome)

1) Hyperparathyroidism; Parathyroid gland Adenoma

2) Pancreatic Islet Cell Adenoma(Tumor)

Insulinoma, Gastrinoma; Gastrin ?, Peptic Ulcer ?

3) Pituitary Adenoma; Gland Chromophobe

임상적 특징

40 - 50 대에 많음

Three Endocrine TissueInvolvement; ? 90 %

2. MEN Type II(= Sipple's Syndrome)

1) Pheochromocytoma

2) Hyperparathyroidism(= parathyroid Hyperplasia)

3) Thyroid Medullary Ca

; parafollicular C cell origin, calcitonin producing tumor

Tx 원칙; Total Thyroidectomy

3. MEN Type III or IIb

1) Multiple Mucosal Neuroma/ Neurogenic Tumors

2) Hyperparathyroidism(= parathyroid Hyperplasia)

3) Thyroid Medullary Ca

4. McCune Albright Syndrome

MEOS; Microsomal Ethanol Oxidizing System

= MFOS; Mixed Function Oxidase System

MERRF Syndrome; Myoclonic Epilepsy & Ragged Red Fibers Syndrome

Met.; Metabilic; 대사성


1) Myelo-Fibrosis

= Agnogenic Myeloid Metaplasia with Myelo-Fibrosis

= Idiopathic Myelo-Fibrosis

2) Mycosis Fungoides; 균상 식육종

MFC; Mitomycin C, 5-FU, Cytosin, Arabinoside

MFH; Malignant Fibrous Histocytoma


1) Myasthenia Gravis

2) MonoGlyceride

3) Monoclonal Gammopathy

mg; milligram; 1/1000 gm, 10-3 gm

MGN; Membranous Glomerulo-Nephritis(Nephropathy)

MGUS; Monoclonal Gammopathy of Uncertain Significance

MH; Malignant Hyperthermia

MHA-TP; Micro-Hemagglutination Assay for antibodies to Treponema Pallidum

MHC; Major Histocompatibility Complex

MHPG; 3-Methoxy-4-Hydroxy-Phenyl Glycol


1) Mitral Insufficient

= MR

2) Myocardial Infarction; 심근 경색증 ? AMI

3) Mind Identity

MIBG; Meta-Iodo-Benzyl-Guanidine

MIC; Minimum(Minimal) Inhibitory Concentration

MID; Multi-Infarct Dementia


1) Mllerian Inhibiting Factor

2) Migrating Inhibition Factor

MIS; Meiosis-Inducing Substance

ml; milliliter; 1/1000 Liter, 10-3 L


1) Minimal Lethal Concentration

2) Mixed Lymphocyte Culture

MLD; Metachromatic Leuko-Dystrophy

MLF; Median Longitudinal Fasciculus

Role; links the CN III Nucleus with Contralateral CN VI Nucleus

Conjugate Lateral Gaze 가능하도록

MM; Multiple Myeloma

mm; millimeter; 1/1000 Meter, 10-3 Meter

MMC; Meningo-Myelo-Cele

MMER; Maximal Mid Expiratory flow Rate


MMEFR; Maximal Mid Expiratory Flow Rate


MMPI; Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory; 미네소타 다면성 인격 검사(다면적 인성 검사)


1) Measles, Mumps, Rubella; 홍역, 멈프스, 풍진

2) Mass Miniature Radiography

MMS; Mohs Micrographic Surgery


1) Membranous Nephropathy

2) Mid-Night; 자정

MODY; Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young(in Youth)


1) Mechlorethamine, Vincristine, Procarbazine, Prednisone

2) Nitrogen Mustard, Oncovin, Procarbazine, Prednisone


1) Marginal Pool

2) Metacarpal Phalangeal

MP joint; Metacarpo-Pharyngeal joint


1) Mean Pulmonary Artery

2) Medroxy-Progesterone Acetate(Provera)

3) Methylenedioxy Amphetamine

MPAP; Mean Pulmonary Arterial Pressure

MPGN; Mesangial(Membrano-) Proliferative Glomerulo-Nephritis

MPH; Mid-Parental Height

MPN; 최확수

; 검수 100 ml에 대장균 균수의 이론상 가장 가능성이 있는 수치

eg) MPN 100; 100 ml중에 대장균균이 100이 있다는 의미

MPO; Myelo-Per-Oxidase


1) Mononuclear Phagocyte System

2) Mucopolysaccharidosis; Muco 다당류 축적 질환

MPV; Mean Platelet Volume


1) Mitral Regurgitation

= MI

2) Minor Response

3) Mental Retardation; 정신지체

= Feebleminded, Mental Deficiency; 정신 박약

= Mental Subnormality; 정신 저하

= Subintelligencee; 저능

4) Magnetic Resonance

MR test; Methyl Red test

MRDM; Malnutrition Related Diabetes Mellitus

MRI; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; 자기 공명 영상

MRK Syndrome; Mayer-Rokitansky Kster Syndrome

= Mllerian Agenesis

MRKH Syndrome; Mayer-Rokitansky Kster-Hauser Syndrome

= Mllerian Agenesis

MRM; Modified Radical Mastectomy

mRNA; messenger Ribo-Nucleic Acid

MRSA; Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus


1. Bactrim(TMP/SMX) + Rifampin

2. Vancomycin


1) Mitral Stenosis

2) Multiple Sclerosis; 다발성 경화증

3) Macrophage System

ms; muscle

MSAFP; Maternal Serum Alpha(α)-Feto-Protein

MSD; Mean Sac Diameter; Gestational(G)-Sac의 크기

MSE; Mental Status Examination

MSH; Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone

MSLT; Multiple Sleep Latency Test

MSP; Minute Sequence Pyelogram

MSU; Mono-Sodium Urate


1) Mantoux Test

2) Medical Technologist; 임상병리사

MTBE; Methyl-Tert-Butyl Ether

MTC; Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma

MTD; Membrana Tympanic Dexter; Right Ear Drum; 우측 고막

MTP joint; Meta-Tarso-Phalangeal joint

MTS; Membrana Tympanic Sinister; Left Ear Drum; 좌측 고막

MTT; Metastatic Trophoblastic Tumor

MTX; MethoTreXate

MUP; Motor Unit Potential

= MUPs

MUPs; Motor Unit Potentials


MURCS Associations; MUllerian duct aplasia, Renal aplasia, Cervico-thoracic vertebral(Somite) dysplasia Associations

MV; Mitral Valve

MVAC; Methotrexate, Vinblastin, Adriamycin(= Doxorubicin), Cisplatin

MVD; Micro-Vascular Decompression

? Ix

1. Trigeminal Neuralgia; SCA

2. Hemifacial Spasm; AICA

3. Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia


MVP; Mitral Valve Prolapse; 승모판 탈출


1) Maximal Voluntary Volume


2) Maximal Voluntary Ventilation

MW; Molecular Weight

Myop.; Myopia


N.; Neisseria

N. gonorrhoeae(= gonococcus); 임균

N. intracellularis(= N. meningitidis); 수막염균

N. meningitidis(= Meningococcus); 수막염균

; Normal


1) Narcotic Anonymous

2) Nomina Anatomica; Anatomic Nomenclature; 해부학 명명법

Na+; Sodium; Electrolyte

NAAG; N-Acetyl Aspartyl Glutamate

NAD; Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide

NADP; Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate

NAME Syndrome; Nevi, Atrial myxoma, Myxoid neurofibroma, Ephelides Syndrome

NAP; N-Acetyl-d-Penicillamine

NB; New-Born

NBTE; Non-Bacterial Thrombotic Endocarditis

NBT test; Nitro-Blue Tetrazolium (dye reduction) test

; Chronic Granulomatous Disease진단에 사용

NCA; National Council on Alcoholism

NCF; Neutrophilic Chemotatic Factors

NCV; Nerve Conduction Velocity

NE; Nor-Epinephrine

NEC; Necrotizing Entero-Colitis

NED; No Evidence of Disease

NEEP; Negative End-Expiratory Pressure

NF; Neuro-Fibromatosis

= Von Recklinghausen's Disease

NF 1; Neuro-Fibromatosis type 1

NF 2; Neuro-Fibromatosis type 2

NFVVE; Normal Fullterm Vaginal Vacuum Extraction


1) Naso-Gastric

2) N Gonorrhea

NG tube; Naso-Gastric tube

NGO; Non-Governmental Organization; 민간조직

NGU; Non-Gonococcal Urethritis

NH; Nodular Histiocytic

NHL; Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

NIDDM; Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus

= Type II DM

NIH; National Institutes of Health

NIMH-ECA; NIMH-Epidemiologic Catchment Area

NIP; Non-specific Interstitial Pneumonitis

NK cell; Natural Killer cell

NKA; Neuro-Kinin A

NKHS; Non-Ketotic Hyperosmolar Syndrome

NL, nl; Normal


1) Neuro-Muscular

2) Neo-Mycin

Nm; Neuromodulator

NMLH; Nodular Mixed Lymphocytic Histocytic

NMN; N-Methyl-Nicotinamide

NMR; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance; 핵자기 공명술

NMS; Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome

NO3; 질산성산소

NOR; Nucleolar Organizing Region

NP; Nucleoside Phosphorylase

NPDL; Nodular Poorly Differentiated Lymphocytic


1) Neutral Protamine Hagedorn Insulin

= Isophane Insulin Suspension

2) Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus

NPN; Non-Protein Nitrogen; 비단백질소

NPO; Nulli(Non) Per Os; Nothing by Mouth; 금식

NPT; Nocturnal Penile Tumescence; 야간 음경 팽대

NR; Normal Range

nr; ne repetatur; do not repeat; 반복을 금함

NREM; Non-Rapid Eye Movement


1) Nephrotic Syndrome

1. Proteinuria

1) Adult; ? 3.5 gm/Day

2) 소아; > 40 mg/ml/hr

2. Hypoalbuminemia; < 2.5 gm/dL

3. Generalized Edema

4. Hyperlipidemia

5. Lipiduria(Fat Globule in Urine)

2) Nodular Sclerosis

N/S; Normal Saline

NSAID; Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

NSE; Neuron Specific Enolase

NSR; Normal Sinus Rhythm

NST; Non-Stress Test

NT, Nt; NeuroTransmitter


1) Naso-Tracheal Aspiration

2) National Tuberculosis Association

NTM; Non-Tuberculosis Mycobacteria

NTV; Nervous Tissue Vaccine; 신경 조직 백신

NVD; Neck Vein Distension

NVE; Native Valve Endocarditis

NYHA; New York Heart Association

Heart Disease에 대한 Functional Classification

1. Class I; No Limitation of Physical Activity

; 심장질환이 있으나 물리적 활동에 제약이 없음

2. Class II; Slight Limitation of Physical Activity

; 물리적 활동에 약간의 제약, 일반적 활동시 과도한 피로, 심계항진, 호흡곤란, 협심증이 나타남

1) Class IIa; the patient can keep up with others walking on th flat but has limitation on more severe exercise such as climbing stairs

2) Class IIb; the patient has slight limitation on all forms of physical activity

3. Class III; Marked Limitation of Physical Activity

; 물리적 활동에 현저한 제한, 일상적 활동보다 미약한 활동에 의해 과도한 피로, 심계항진, 호흡곤란, 협심증이 나타남

4. Class IV; Unable to carry on any Physical Activity without discomfort

; 불편함 없이는 어떠한 물리적 활동도 시행못함


O2; Oxygen; 산소

OA; Osteo-Arthritis


O/A; Omentectomy & Appendectomy

OAF; Osteoclast Activating Factor


1) Occult Blood

2) OBstetrics; 산과학

OBS(?); Organic Brain Syndrome


1) Osteo-Calcin

2) Oral Contraceptive

OCA; Oculo-Cutaneous Albinism

OCAA; Ovarian Cystadenocarcinoma Associated Antigen; Serous Mucinous Ovarian Tumor에만 나타남

OCG; Oral Cholecysto-Graphy

OCs; Oral Contraceptives


1) Ornithine Carbamyl Transferase

2) Oxytocin Challenge Test


1) Doctor of Optometry

2) Oculus Dexter; Right Eye; 우측눈

3) Over-Dose

ODT; Occlusive Dressing Technique; 밀봉 요법

OER; Oxygen Enhancement Ratio

OFC; Occipito-Frontal Circumstance; 두위

= Head Circumstance

OG; Osmolar Gap; 10 mOsm/kg

= measured Osm - calculated Osm

OGTT; Oral Glucose Tolerance Test

o.h.; omii hora; every hour; 매시간

OHA; Oral Hypoglycemic Agents

OHS; Open Heart Surgery

OKN; Opto-Kinetic Nystagmus

OLA; Occipito Laevo Anterior; Left Occipito Anterior; 후두전좌측의


1) Otitis Media

2) Osteo-Myelitis

OMI; Oocyte Maturation Inhibitor

OP; Osteo-Pontin

Op, op.; Operation; 수술

OPD; Out-Patient Department; 외래

OPP; Organo-Phosphorous Pesticide; 유기인제

1. Parathion


3. Malathion

4. Ethion

5. Diazinon

6. Phorate

ophth.; ophthalmology

OPV; Oral Polio-Vaccine; 경구용 소아마비 백신


1) Operating Room; 수술실

2) Open Reduction

O/R; Open Reduction

Ortho.; Orthop(a)edics


1) Opening Snap

2) Orthopedic(Osteo)-Surgery; 정형 외과

3) Oculus Sinister; Left Eye; 좌측 눈

OSA; Obstructive Sleep Apnea

OT; Old Tuberculin

OT test; Ortho-Toluidine test; 잔류 염소의 측정; 비색법

; OT는 염소와 화합하여 생성하는데 두색의 농도를 표준색과 비교함으로써 잔류염소량을 측정하게 된다.

OTC; Ornithine Trans-Carbamylase

Oto.; Otology

OU; Oculus Uterque; Each Eyes, Both Eyes; 두눈 다

Oz. oz.; ounce



1) Phosphorous

2) Pulse; 맥박

P.; Plasmodium; 말라리아 원충()

P. Falciparum; 열대열원충

P. Malariae; 사일열원충

P. Ovale; 난형열원충

P. Vivax; 삼일열원충

P2; Pulmonary Component of the Second Heart Sound(S2)


1) Pernicious Anemia; 악성빈혈

2) Pulmonary Artery

3) Protective Antigen

4) Postero-Anterior; 배복의

PABA; Para(ρ)-Amino-Benzoic Acid

PAC; Premature Atrial Contraction

PaCO2; Carbon Dioxide Pressure; amount of CO2 in arterial Blood

PAF; Platelet Activating Factor

PAG; Peri-Aqueductal Gray

PAGE; Poly-Acrylamide Gel Electrophoresis


1) Para(p)-Amino-Hippurate

2) Primary Alveolar Hyperventilation

PAh; Primary Alveolar hypoventilation


PAIg; Platelet Associated Ig

PAM; 2-Pyridine Aldoxime Methiodide


1) Poly-Arteritis Nodosa; 결절성 다발성 동맥염

2) Peroxy-Acyl-Nitrate

3) Periarteritis Nodosa [HP 1323]

PAO; Peak(ed) Acid Output

PaO2; Oxygen Pressure; amount of O2 in arterial blood


1) Prostatic Acid Phosphatase; 전립성 산성 인산분해효소

2) Primary Atypical Pneumonia; 원발성 이형 폐렴

3) Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis

Pap smear(= test); Papanicolaou smear(= test)

PAPP; Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein

Para.; Parere; to Bear; 출산


1) Periodic Acid-Schiff Stain

2) Para-Amino-Salicyclic Acid


3) Peripheral Anterior Synechia; 홍채주변 전유착

4) Pro Audio Spectrum

PASA; Para-Amino-Salicyclic Acid


PAT; Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia

PB; Peripheral Blood

PBC; Primary Biliary Cirrhosis

PBG; Porpho-Bilinogen


1) Penile Brachial Index

2) Protein-Bound Iodine; 단백 결합 요오드

PBPs; Penicillin-Binding Proteins

PB test; Paul Bunnell test


1) Phosphatidyl Choline

2) Pyruvate Carboxylase

Pc; Penicillin

p.c.; post cibum; after meals; 식후


1) Passive Cutaneous Araphylaxis

2) Posterior Cerebral Artery

PCG; Phono-Cardio-Gram; 심음도

PCH; Paroxysmal Cold Hemoglobinuria

PCHA; Peri-Chloecystic Hepatic Activity

PCI; Prophylatic Cranial Irradiation

PCK; Poly-Cystic Kidney

PCM; Protein Calorie Malnutrition


PCMV; Parietal Cell Mass Vagotomy

PCN; Penicillin

PCNA; Per-Cutaneous Needle Aspiration of lung

PCO; Poly-Cystic Ovary

PCOD; Poly-Cystic Ovary Disease

= Stein-Leventhal Syndrome

P-COM; Posterior COMmunicating artery

PCOS; Poly-Cystic Ovary(Ovarian) Syndrome


1) Phencyclidine

= Angel Dust

2) Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia

PCR; Polymerase Chain Reaction

Pcr; Plasma Creatinine


1) Post-Coital Test

= Sims-Hubner Test

2) Porphyria Cutanea Tarda; 만발성 피부 Porphyria

PCV; Packed Cell Volume

PCWP; Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure


1) Peritoneal Dialysis

2) Personality Disorder

PDA; Patent Ductus Arteriosus; 동맥관개존증(動脈管開存症)

? CIx of Op

1. severe Pulmonary Vascular Disease

2. Eisenmenger's Disease


PDE; Phospho-Di-Esterase

PDGF-B; Platelet-Derived Growth Factor-B

PDHC; Pyruvate De-Hydrogenase Complex

PDR; Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy; 증식성 당뇨 망막증

PDW; Platelet Distribution Width


1) Physical Examination; 신체검사

= P/E

2) Pleural Effusion

3) Pericardial Effusion

PE tube; Polyethylene Ventilating tube placed in the eardrum

P/E; Physical Examination

= PE

Ped.; Pediatrics; 소아과학

PEEP; Positive End-Expiratory Pressure

? Ix

1. PaO2 < 60 mmHg, when FiO2 > 0.5

2. A-aDO2 > 300 mmHg

Shunt > 30 %(n; 5 %)

3. Adequate IV Volume

4. No Response to other Tx


PEFR, PEF; Peak Expiratory Flow Rate

PEG; Pneumo-Encephalo-Graphy

PEM; Protein-Energy Malnutrition

= PCM; Protein Calorie Malnutrition

PEMA; Phenyl-Ethyl-Malonanide

PEP; Protein Electro-Phoresis

PET; Positron Emission Tomography

PEV; cis-Platinum, Etoposide, Vinblastine


1) Platelet Factor

2) Pemphigus Foliaceus

PFC; Persistent Fetal Circulation; 태아 순환 지속증


PFO; Patent Foramen Ovale


1) Platelet Function Test

2) Pulmonary Function Test


1) Prosta-Glandin

2) Plasma Glucose

3) Phosphatidyl Glycerol

PGA; Poly-Glandular Autoimmune syndrome

PGE2; Prosta-Glandin E2

PGV; Proximal Gastric Vagotomy

PH; Past History; 과거력, 기왕력

Ph; Philadelphia

pH; 수소이온농도지수; Hydrogen Ion or Degree of Acidity; 수소지수, 산도

PHA; Phyto-HemAgglutinin

PhD; Philosophy Doctor

phon; 음의 크기의 수준; 음의 고저와 감도

; dBphon과의 관계는 주파수에 따라 달라지고 1,000 Hz에서 dB = phon이므로

; 1,000 Hz 기준으로 해서 나타낸 dB

PHP; Pseudo-Hypo-Parathyroidism


1) Pulmonary Insufficience(Incompetence)

= PR

2) Phosphatidyl Inositol

PICA; Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery

; Obstruction시에 Wallenberg's Syndrome(= Lateral Medullary Syndrome)


1) Pelvic Inflammatory Disease; 골반 염증성 질환 [Chap 89, HP 534-8]

2) Plasma Iron Disappearance


1) Post-Infectious Encephalomyelitis

2) Pulmonary Interstitial Emphysema; 폐간질기종

3) Pulmonary Infiltration with Eosinophil


1) Proliferation Inhibitory Factor

2) Prolactin release Inhibiting Factor

PIH; Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension

Pil., pil; Pilula; Pill; 환약

PIP; Proximal Inter-Phalangeal

PIP2; Phosphatidyl-Inositol 4,5-bi-Phosphate

PIP joint; Proximal Inter-Phalangeal joint

PIPE test;

PIT; Plasma Iron Turnover

P-J syndrome; Peutz-Jeghers syndrome


1) Poly Klinic

2) Pyruvate Kinase

P-K syndrome; Paterson-Kelly syndrome

PK test; Prausnitz-Ku:stner test

PKD; Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency

PKU; Phenyl-Keton-Uria; 페닐케톤뇨증

PL; PLatelet phospholipid

PLA2; PhosphoLipase A2

PLD; POtentially Lethal Damage

PLT; Primed Lymphocyte Typing


1) Polymyositis

2) afternoon; 오후

PMC; Pseudo-Membranous Colitis

PMD; Progressive Muscular Dystrophy; 진행성 근이영양증

Types of PMD(Progressive Muscular Dystrophy; 진행성 근이영양증)

1. Duchenne Type; mc

2. Limb-Girdle Type

3. Fascio-Scapulo-Humeral Type

4. Distal Type

5. Ophthalmoplegic Type

PMF; Progressive Massive Fibrosis

= Silicosis


1) Point of Maximal Impulse(= Intensity)

2) Proportional Mortality Index; 비례 사망자수(%)

50 세 이상의 사망자수

= ????????????????????? X 100

전체 사망자수

PMN; Poly-Morpho-Nuclear Leukocytes

PMNL; Poly-Morpho-Nuclear neutrophilic Leukocyte

PMR; Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

PMS; Pre-Menstrual Syndrome


1) Pyelo-Nephritis

2) Practical Nurse; 준간호사(準看護師)

Pn, pn; pneumonia

PND; Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea

PNE; Practical Nurse's Education; 준간호사교육(準看護師敎育)

PNET; Primitive Neuro-Ectodermal(-Epithelial) Tumor

PNH; Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria

PNI; Prognostic Nutritional Index

PNL; Percutaneous Nephro-Lithotomy(= -Litholapaxy, = -Lithotripsy)

PNS; Peripheral Nervous System;

PNT; Paroxysmal Nodal Tachycardia

PO, p.o.;

1) Per Os; by mouth; 구강으로, 경구로

2) Phone Order; 전화지시

3) Post Operative; 수술후


1) Pancreatic Oncofetal Antigen

2) Problem Oriented Approach

POD; Post-Operative Day

POEMS syndrome




M proteins

Skin change syndrome

POMC; Pro-Opio-Melano-Cortin

POMD; Problem-Oriented Medical Diagnosis

POMR; Problem Oriented Medical Record; 문제 지향식(중심식) 진료 기록

POR; Problem Oriented Record


1) Presenting Part

2) Plasma-Pheresis

3) Pancreatic Polypeptide

4) erythropoetic Proto-Porphyria

PP2; 2 Hrs Post-Prandial plasma glucose Level

P-P factor; Pellagra Preventive factor

= Vitamin G

PPC; Proximal Palmar Crease

PPDs; (Tuberculin) Purified Protein Derivatives

PPDA; Para-phenylene Di-Amine

PPDR; Pre-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy

PPF; Plasma Protein Fraction

PP5; Placental Protein 5

PPHN; Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn; 신생아 폐동맥 고혈압 존속증


PPHP; Pseudo-Pseudo-Hypo-Parathyroidism

PPL; Penicilloyl Poly-Lysine

PPM, ppm, p.p.m.; Parts Per Million; 100만분의 1; 기체또는기체화의 공업독물을 측정할때 사용하는 농도의 단위


= mg/m2 x ???????


PPNG; Penicillinase-Producing NG

PPRF; Pontine Paramedian Reticular Formation


1) Pulmonary Regurgitation

= PI

2) Partial Response

3) Pulse Rate


1) Plasma Renin Activity

2) Phospho-Ribosyl-Amine

PRCA; Pure Red Cell Aplasia

PRF; Prolactin-Releasing Factor


; Total IgE Test

PRL; Prolactin

p.r.n.; pro re nata; as necessary(= needed); 필요시, 필요한만큼

PRNT; Plaque Reduction Neutrolization Test


1) Premature Rupture of Amniotic Membrane; < Labor Onset

2) Preterm Rupture of Amniotic Membrane; < 38 wk


1) Progressive Rubella Panencephalitis

2) Platelet Rich Plasma

3) Poly-Ribo-Phosphate

4) Pan-Retinal Photocoagulation; 범안저 광응고술

PRPP; Phospho-Ribosyl-Pyro-Phosphate

PRSL; Potential Renal Solute Load


1) Pulmonary Stenosis

2) Performance Status

PSA; Prostate(Prostatic)-Specific Antigen; 전립선 특이 항원

PSB; Protected double-Sheathed Brush

PSC; Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

PSD; Posterior Sagital Distance

PSE; Present State Examination; WHO에서 고안

PSGN; Post-Streptococcal Glomerulo-Nephritis

PSIS; Posterior Superior Iliac Spine; 상후장골극, 위뒤장골가시


1) Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning; 조개 중독

2) Pregnant Specific Protein

PSP test; Phenol-Sulfon-Phthalein test

PS test; Pancreozymin-Secretion test

= combined secretin-CCK test

PSVT; Paroxysmal Supra-Ventricular Tachycardia

? Tx

1. Carotid Massage or Vagal Stimulation

2. Verapamil

3. Propranol or Digitalis

4. Procainamide; Reentry PSVT



1) Prothrombin Time

2) Physical Therapy; 물리요법

3) Pulmonary Trunk

Pt., pt.; Patient

pt.; pint; 파인트


1) Prior To Admission

2) Plasma Thromboplatin Antecedent

PTB cast; Patella Tendon Bearing cast; 슬개건부하석고붕대(膝蓋腱負荷石膏繃帶)

PTBD; Percutaneous Transhepatic Bile Drainage


1) Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography


2) Plasma Thromboplastin Component

= Christmas Factor

= Factor IX

3) Porphyria Cutanea Tarda


1) Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty

; 경피적 경혈관 관상동맥 확장술

2) Percutaneous Transmural Coronary Angioplasty

PTE; Pulmonary ThromboEmbolism

PTH; ParaThyroid Hormone

PTH-rP; ParaThyroid Hormone related Protein

PTHC; Percutaneous Trans-Hepatic Cholangiography(-gram)


PTP; Post-Transfusion Purpura

PTSD; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; 외상후 스트레스 장애

PTSG; Partial Thickness Skin Graft

PTT; Partial Thromboplastin Time

PTU; Prophyl-Thio-Uracil

PTVO; Percutaneous Transhepatic Variceal Obliteration

pulv.; pulvis; Powder; 분제, 가루약

PUN; Plasma Urea Nitrogen; 혈장 요소 질소

PUV; Posterior Urethro-Vesical angle

PUVA; Psoralen & Ultra Violet A

PV; Polycythemia Vera

Pv; Prevention; 예방

P-V syndrome; Plummer-Vinson syndrome

PVB; Cisplatin, Vinblastine, Bleomycin

PVC; Premature Ventricular Contraction(s)


? Ix of Tx

1. Symptomatic PVC

2. Asymptomatic PVC

1) R on T

2) Multifocal PVCs

3) PVC > 5/min

4) Bigeminal Pattern

5) Couplets & Salvos ? 3


PVE; Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis

PVR; Pulmonary Vascular Resistance

PVT; Paroxysmal Ventricular Tachycardia

PWN; Poke-Weed Mitogen

PWP; Pulmonary Wedge Pressure

Px; Prognosis

PYP; PYro-Phosphate

Pz; Pancreozymin

PZA; PyraZinAmide

PZI; Protamine Zinc Insulin


QCT; Quantitative Computed Tomography

q.d.; quaque die; Once a Day, Every Day; 하루 한번, 매일

q.h.; quaque hora; Every Hour; 매시간

q.2h.; Every 2(Two) Hour; 2시간마다

QID, qid, q.i.d.; Quarter In Die; Four Times a Day; 하루 네번, 14(一日四回)

q.l.; quantum libet; as much as desired; 필요한 만큼

q.m.; quaque matin; Every Morning; 매일 아침

q.n.; quaque nox; Every Night; 매일 밤

q.n.s.; quantity not sufficiency; 양부족


Ao - SVC

= ??????????

PV - PA(O2 Saturation, %)

q.q.h.; quaque quarta hora; Every Four Hours; 4시간마다

q.s.; quantum satis; sufficient quantity; 충분한 양


R; Respiration; 호흡

R.; Rickettia; 리케치아()

R. Typhi; 발진열리케치아


1) Refractory Anemia

2) Rheumatoid Arthritis ? Arthritis

3) Right Atrium

RAA; Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone

RAD; Right Axis Deviation; 우축 편위

rad; radiation absorbed dose

RADP; Right Acromio-Dorso-Posterior

RAE; Right Atrial Enlargement

RAEB; Refractory Anemia with Excess of Blasts

RAEB-T; Refractory Anemia with Excess Blasts in Transformation

RAF; Receptor Accessory Factor

RAH; Right Atrial Hypertrophy

RAIU; Radio-Active Iodine Uptake

방법; 소량(5 - 10 uCi)131I을 경구투여후 2, 6, 12, 24시간등 일정한 시간 경과후 갑상선에서의 섭취율을 측정하는 것으로 전반적인 갑상선 기능상태를 측정하는 검사법

; 정상치는 식사내 옥소 섭취의 정도에 따라 다르나 10 - 40 %(24시간)을 기준으로 한다.

증가하는 경우

1. 옥소 결핍(Iodine Deficiency)

2. 갑상선 기능항진증

1) Graves Disease

2) Toxic Adenoma

3. TSH가 상승되어 있는 경우

1) 갑상선 기능저하증의 초기

2) 갑상선 호르몬 합성억제

감소하는 경우

1. 옥소 과잉상태

2. 갑상선 기능저하증

3. 갑상선 중독저하증(Thyrotoxicosis)

1) Subacute Thyroiditis

2) Painless Thyroiditis or Subacute Lymphocytic Thyroiditis

3) Thyrotoxicosis Factitia

4) 이소성 갑상선의 기능항진

1> Struma Ovarii

2> Substernal Thyroid의 기능항진

3> 전이된 갑상선암의 기능항진

5) Iodide induced Thyrotoxicosis

RAPD; Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect

RARS; Refractory Anemia with Ringed Sideroblast



1) Reticular Activating(Activation) System

2) Renal Artery Stenosis

RAST; Radio-Allergo-Sorbent Test

; Specific IgE Test

RAW; Resistance of Airway; 기도저항

RBBB; Right Bundle Branch Block

RBC; Red Blood Cell (Count); 적혈구, 적혈구수

RBCA; Right Brachio-Cephalic(Innominate) Artery

RBE; Relative Biological Effectiveness

RBF; Renal Blood Flow

RBL; Respiratory Bronchiole

RBP; Retinol Binding Protein

rCBF; regional Cerebral Blood Flow

R-C sign(spot); Red Cherry sign(spot)

RCA; Right Coronary Artery

RCC; Right Common Carotid artery

RDC; Research Diagnostic Criteria; 연구진단 기준

RDI; Respiratory Disturbance Index

RDS; Respiratory Distress Syndrome; 호흡 곤란 증후군

RDW; Red cell Distribution Width

RE; Regional Enteritis

ReA; Reactive Arthritis


1) Rapid Eye Movement; 급속 안구 운동

2) Radiation Equivalent to Man

rem; Roentgen Equivalent Man

1 rem = 1 rad x RBE

RER; Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

RES; Reticulo-Endothelial System

Resp.; Respiration; 호흡성


1) Renal Failure

2) Rheumatic Fever ? Rheumatic Fever

3) Right Foot

RFI; Renal Failure Index

Urine Na

= ??????????????????????

Urine Cr / Plasma Cr

RFLPs; Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms; 제한효소단편장다형

RFP; RiFamPin

RFT; Renal Function Test

RGB; Red, Green, Blue

RGM; Rapidly Growing Mycobacteria

rGM-CSF; recombinant Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor

RGP; Retro-Grade Pyelography

RGU; Retro-Grade Urethrogram

Rh; Rhesus; Rhesus Monkey(Rh Blood Type); 리저스 원숭이(Rh식 혈액형)

RHA; Right Hepatic Artery

RhoGAM; Rho(D) Immuno-Globulin

RI; Regular Insulin

RIA; Radio-Immuno-Assay; 방사 면역법

RIBA; Recombinant Immuno-Blot Assay

RIF; Rifampin

RIG; Rabies Immune Globulin

RIND; Residual(= Reversible) Ischemic Neurologic Deficit

RIP; Respiratory Inversion Point

RIPA; Radio-Immuno(= Immune)-Precipitation(Precipitin) Assay

RIST; Radio-Immuno-Sorbent Test

RLL; Right Lower Lobe(of Lung)

RLQ; Right Lower Quadrant; 우측하부 4분의 1

RMA; Right Mento-Anterior

RMB; Right Main Bronchus

RMP; Right Mento-Posterior

RMR; Resting Metabolic Rate

= Resting Energy Expenditure

RMSF; Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

RN; Registered Nurse; 등록(면허)간호사

RNA; Ribo-Nucleic Acid

RND; Radical Neck Dissection

RNS test; Repetitive Nerve Stimulation test

ROA; Right Occipito-Anterior

ROC; Receptor Operated Channel


1) Range Of Motion; 운동범위

2) Rupture Of amniotic Membrane


1) Retinopathy Of Prematurity; 미숙아 망막증

= Retinolental Fibroplasia; 수정체후 섬유 망막증

2) Right Occipito-Posterior

ROT; Right Occipito-Transverse

RP; Retrograde Pyelogram

RPA; Right Pulmonary Artery

RPF; Renal Plasma Flow

RPGN; Rapidly Progressive Glomerulo-Nephritis

RPI; Reticulocyte Production Index

RPLND; Retro-Peritoneal Lymph Node Dissection

RPM, rpm; Revolutions Per Minute; 분당회전수, 원심분회

RPO; Right Posterior Oblique view

RPR; Rapid Plasma Reagin

RPTA; Renal Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty


1) Respiratory Rate

2) Relative Risk; 비교위험도

위험인자에 ExposedGroupIncidence

= ????????????????????????????????????????????

위험인자에 Non-ExposedGroupIncidence

RS cell; Reed Sternberg cell

RS virus; Respiratory Synthitial virus

RSB; Right Sternal Border

RSDS; Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome

RSP; Rapid Sequence IVP

RSSP; Russian Spring-Summer Panencephalitis

RST; Reagin Screen Test

RT; Rebound Tenderness

RTA; Renal Tubular Acidosis

RT3; Resin T3

rT3; reverse T3

RT3U; Resin T3 Uptake

rt-PA; recombinant tissue-Plasminogen Activator

= Alteplase

RTx; Radiotherapy

RUL; Right Lower Lobe(of Lung)

RUQ; Right Upper Quadrant; 우측상부 4분의 1


1) Residual Volume

2) Right Ventricle

RVE; Right Ventricular Enlargement

RVG; Radionuclide Ventriculo-Gram

RVH; Right Ventricular Hypertrophy

RVOT; Right Ventricle Outflow Tract

RVT; Renal Vein Thrombosis

RWMA; Regional Wall Motion Abnormality

Rx; Recipe; Take(Prescription); 취하다.(처방전)

Rxn; Reaction



1) Staphylococcus; 포도구균()

S. albus; 백색포도상구균

S. aureus; 황색포도상구균

S. epidermis; 표피포도상구균

2) Streptococcus; 연쇄구균()

S. hemolyticus; 용혈연쇄구균

S. pyogenes; 화농성연쇄구균

S. viridans; 녹색연쇄구균

; sine; without; ~외에

S1; First Heart Sound

S2; Second Heart Sound


1) Sideroblastic Anemia

2) Sino-Atrial

SA node; Sino-Atrial node; 동방결절(洞房結節)


RAposterior wall에 위치


1) Severe Aplastic Anemia

2) Serum Amyloid A protein

SAB; Sub-Arachnoidal Block

SACH foot; Solid-Ankle Cushion Heel foot

SACT; Sinus Atrial Conduction Time

SAD; Seasional Affective Disorder; 계절성 정동 장애

SADS; Schedule for Affective Disorders & Schizophrenia; 미국 고안

SAH; Sub-Arachnoid Hemorrhage; ()지주막하출혈

? Complications

1. Ischemic Focal Defect

2. Rebleeding; < 24 Hr; 1 - 2 Days

3. Vasospasm; 3 - 4 Day째 시작

4. Communicating Hydrocephalus

5. Electrolyte Imbalance


SAICAR; Succinyl-Amino-Imidazole Carbox-Amide Ribotide

SAM; Systolic Anterior Motion( of mitral valve); 수축기 전방 운동

SAN; Sino-Atrial Node; 동방결절

= SA node

SAP; Serum Amyloid Plasma component

SBB; Sudan Black B

SBE; Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis; 아급성 세균성 심내막염

SBP; Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis

SB tube; Sengstaken-Blakemore tube

S.C.; Sub Cutis; Sub-Cutaneous(ly) injection; 피하로, 피하주사

SCA; Superior Cerebellar Artery

SCAMC; Symphosia on Computer Applications in Medical Care


1) Sude Chain-Cleavage Complex

2) Squamous Cell Carcinoma


1) Sickle Cell Disease

2) Subacute Combined Degeneration

SCE; Sister Chromatid Exchange; 자매염색부체 교환

SC joint; Sterno-Clavicular joint

SCID; Severe Combined Immuno-Deficiency; 중증 복합 면역 결핍증

SCL-90; Symptom Check List-90

SCLC; Small Cell Lung Ca

SCLE; Subacute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus

SCM; Sterno-Cleido-Mastoid muscle

SCMCT; Sperm Cervical Mucus Contact Test

SCT; Sentence Completion Test; 문장 완성 검사

SCUF; Slow Continous Ultra-Filtration

SD; Standard Deviation; 표준편차

S/D ratio; Systolic / Diastolic ratio

SDH; Sub-Dural Hematoma; 경뇌막하혈종

SDS-PAGE; Sodium DodecylSulfate-PolyacrylAmide Gel Electrophoresis

SE; Side Effect

Sed. Rate; Sedimentation Rate; 침강 속도

= SR

SEP; Sensory Evoked Potential


1) Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

2) Sedimentation Erythrocyte Rate

3) Somatosensory Evoked Response

SES; Sick Euthyroid Syndrome

SET; Singlephoton Emission Tomography


17-OHCS; 17-OH(Hydroxy)-Corticosteroid

17-KS; 17-Keto-Steroid

SFD; Small For Dates

SFV; Semliki Forest Virus

SG; Specific Gravity

SGA; Small for Gestational Age; 부당 경량아

S-G catheter; Swan-Ganz catheter;

s.gl.; without correction without glasses

SGOT; Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase


SGPT; Serum Glutamate(Glutamic) Pyruvate(Pyruvic Acid) Transaminase


SH; Serum Hepatitis

SHBG; Sex Hormone Binding Globulin

SI; System of International Units

(Systeme International D'unites)

SI joint; Sacro-Iliac joint

SIADH; Syndrome of Inappropriate secretion of Anti-Diuretic Hormone; 항이뇨 호르몬 분비 이상 증후군

SIBC; Saturation Iron Binding Capacity

SIDS; Sudden Infant Death Syndrome; 영아 돌연사 증후군

= Crib Death

6-TG; 6-Thio-Guanine


1) Strepto-Kinase

2) Sub

SLD; Sub-Lethal Damage

SLE; Systemic Lupus Erythematosus; 전신성 홍반성 루푸스(낭창)(全身性 紅斑性)

SLR test; Straight Leg Raising test

SM; Strepto-Mycin


1) Smooth Muscle Antibodies

2) 척수성 근위축증

3) Superior Mesenteric Artery

SMBG; Self Monitoring of Blood Glucose

SMD; Spine Malleolar Distance

SMDS; Sudden Manhood Death Syndrome; 청장년 급사 증후군


1) Sex Maturity Rating;()성숙도

2) Standarized Mortality Ratio

SMX; Sulfamethoxazole

SNGFR; Single Nephron Glomerular Filtration Rate

SNRT; Sinus Node Recovery Time

SO2; 이산화황, 아황산가스; 식물파괴

SO3; 아황산

SOB; Shortness Of Breath; 호흡 촉박

SOD; Super-Oxide Dismutase

SOL; Space Occupying Lesion

Sol.; Solution

SOM; Suppurative Otitis Media

sone; 소음의 크기의 양적 단위; 감각량

1 sone; 1,000 Hz 의 순음이 40 dB일때

SOREM; Sleep Onset Rapid Eye Movement

SOS, S.O.S.; 위급시

SP; Substance P

SP1; pregnancy-specific β1-glycoprotein


1) Single Photon Absorptiometry

2) Sperm Penetration Assay

SPC; Supra-Pubic Cystostomy

SPD; Storage Pool Disease

SPECT; Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography


sp.gr.; specific gravity; 비중

SPR; Schizophrenia

SPS; Sleep Promoting Substance

SQ; Social Quotient; 사회지수


1) Sinus Rhythm

2) Sedimentation Rate; 침강 속도

= Sed. Rate

3) Systemic Review

SRIF; Somatotropin Release-Inhibitory Factor

= Somatostatin

SRS-A; Slow Reacting Substance of Anaphylaxis

SS; Suspended Solid; 수중의 부수성 물질의 양(? 70 ppm)

ss; semis; one half;

s.s.; soap solution; 비눗물

SSA; Sulfo-Salicylic Acid

SSc; Systemic Sclerosis

SSPE; Subacute Sclerosing Pan-Encephalitis

SSS; Sick Sinus Syndrome

= Tachycardia-Bradycardia Syndrome

SSSS; Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome

ST; heat-Stable enteroToxin

staph.; staphylococcus; 포도상구균

stat.; statim; Immediately; 즉시


1) Sexual Transmitted Disease

2) STanDards

STDs; Sexual Transmitted Diseases [Chap 88, HP 534-43]

STH; Somato-Tropic Hormone

strep.; streptococcus; 연쇄상구균

STS; Serologic(al) Test(s) for Syphilis; 매독혈청시험

STSG; Split Thickness Skin Graft

SV; Stroke Volume


1) Superior Vena Cava

2) Super-Visor Call

SVR; Systemic Venous Resistance

SVT; Supra-Ventricular Tachycardia; 심실성 빈맥

syr.; syrupus; syrup

Sz; Seizure



1) Testosterone

2) Tenderness

3) Thoracic Vertebrae

T1; 1st Thoracic Vertebrae

T2; 2nd Thoracic Vertebrae

4) Temperature; 온도

TA; Tricuspid Atresia

Tab; Tabella; Tablet; 정제

TAE; Trans-Arterial(-Catheter) Embolization

Angiography와 동시에 Gel FormCTx AgentMixed materialShooting하여 Cancer 부위의 Infarction, NecrosisLocal CTx Effect를 얻을수 있다.

TAH; Total Abdominal Hysterectomy

TAHL; Thick Ascending limb of Henle's Loop

TAO; Thrombo-Angiitis Obliterans

= Buerger's Disease

TAPVC; Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection; 전폐정맥 연결이상

= Transposition of the Pulmonary Vein


TAPVR; Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return


4 Types of TAPVR

1. Supracardiac Type; mc; > 45 %

2. Intracardiac Type

3. Infracardiac Type

4. Mixed Type

TAR; Thrombocytopenia-Absent Radius


1) Thematic Apperception Test; 주제 통각 검사

2) (Equine) Tetanus Anti-Toxin; 항독소 테타누스

3) Toxin Anti-Toxin; 독소 항독소 혼합액

TB, Tb; TuBerculosis; 결핵

= Tbc

? CIX of Op

1. Pulmonary Function ?

2. Ventilatory Insufficiency

3. Debiliterating Disease

4. Endobronchial TB


Tb; biologic Half-Life

TBB; TransBronchial Biopsy

Tbc; Tuberculosis

= TB, Tb

TBG; Thyroxine-Binding Globulin

TBI; Total Body Irradiation

TBII; TSH Binding Inhibiting(= Inhibition) Immunoglobulin

TBL; Terminal Bronchiole

TBLB; Trans-Bronchial Lung Biopsy

TBNA; Trans-Bronchial Needle Aspiration

TBPA; Thyroxine Binding PreAlbumin

TBW; Total Body Water; 몸의 총수분

TC, Tc; Tetra-Cycline

Tc cell; cytotoxic T cell

99mTc; radioactive Technetium(used in Brain Skull, Thyroid, Liver, Spleen, Bone & Lung scans)

TCA; Tri-Cyclic Antidepressants; 삼환계 항우울제

TCBS; Thiosulfate Citrate Bile salt Sucrose agar

TCC; Transitional Cell Cancer

TCP; Toxin Coregulated Pilus


1) Tumor Dose

2) Tetanus Diphtheria toxoid

TD; Tetanus & Diphtheria toxoids

TDF; Testicular-Determining Factor

= HY Factor

TDI; Toluene Di-Isocyanate

TDT, Tdt, TdT; Terminal deoxynucleotidal Transferase

TE; Time to Echo

Te; effective Half-Life

TEA; Thrombo-End-Arterectomy

TeBG; Testosterone-Binding Globulin

TEF; Tracheo-Esophageal Fistula

? Tx

1. Infant Warmer

2. Head Down Position(Rickham's Board)

3. IV Therapy

4. Antibiotics

5. Suction in Upper Pouch

6. 수술은 대개 입원후 24 Hr 이내에 시행


TEN; Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis

TENS; Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation

TFM; Trans-Formational Migrane

TFT; Tri-Fluoro-Thymidine

TG; TriGlyceride

TGA; Transposition of Great Arteries

TGHA; Thyro-Globulin Hem-Agglutination

TGF; Transforming Growth Factor

Th cell; helper T cell(= T4 cell)

THA; Tetra-Hydro-Aminoacridine

TI; Tricuspid Insufficient

= TR

TIA; Transient Ischemic Attack; Temporary Interference with the blood supply to the brain

TIBC; Total Iron Binding Capacity

TID, tid, t.i.d; ter in die; three times a day; 하루 세번

TIG: (human) Tetanus Immune(Immuno-) Globulin; 파상풍 인간 면역 글로불린

TIL; Tumor Infiltrate Lymphocyte

tinct.; tinctura; tincture; 팅크제

TIPSS; Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Stant, Shunt

TIQS; Tetrahydro-IsoQuinolones

TLC; Total Lung Capacity

TLE; Temporal Lobe Epilepsy; 측두엽 간질

= Psychomotor Epilepsy; 정신 운동 간질

= Temporolimbic Epilepsy; 측두 변연계 간질

TLI; Trypsin-Like Immunoreactivity

TLV; Threshold Limit Value

TLV-C; Threshold Limit Value-Ceiling

= MAC(Maximum Allowable Concentration)

; 잠시라도 폭로되어서는 안되는 량

TLV-STEL; Threshold Limit Value-STEL; 단시간 최대허용량

; 15분간 폭로되면서 자극증상, 조직손상등을 초래하지 않는 최대 농도, 1 일에 4회 이상이 되어서는 안되며 폭로와 폭로사이는 적어도 60 분의 간격을 두어야함

TLV-TWA; Threshold Limit Value-Time Weighted Average

; 1 8 시간 주 40시간(미국), 48시간(한국, 일본)을 기준으로 한 평균농도

Tm; maximum Tubular Transport

TM joint; Temporo-Mandibular joint

TMA; Tri-Methoxy Amphetamine

TMP; Trimethoprim

TMP/SMX; Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole(= Bactrim)

TMR; The Medical Record

TNF; Tumor Necrosis Factor; 종양 괴사 인자

TNM staging System; standard Tumor, NOde & Metastasis staging system

TOA; Tubo-Ovarian Abscess

TOC; Treatment Of Choice


1) Tetralogy Of Fallot

? CIx of Corrective Op

1. LV Hypoplasia

2. Coronary Artery Anomaly

3. Pulmonary Artery Hypoplasia

2) Train of Four

TOPV; Trivalent Oral Polio(myelitis) Vaccine; 경구용 소아마비 혼합백신

TORCH; TOxoplasma, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes, syphilis

Tp; Physical Half-Life

tPA; tissue Plasminogen Activator

TPHA test; Treponema Pallidum Hem-Agglutination test

TPI test; Treponema Pallidum Immobilization test

TPN; Total Parenteral Nutrition; 총정맥영양법

TPO; Thyroid Per-Oxidase


1) Thiamine diPhos-Phate

2) Total Plasma Protein

TPR; Temperature, Pulse & Respiration; 온도, 맥박, 호흡


1) Tricuspid Regurgitation

= TI

2) Therapeutic Ratio

TRAP; Tartrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase

TRD; TRophoblast Disease

TRH; Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone

TRNB; Transient Respiratory distress of New Born

TRP; Tubular Reabsorption of Phosphate

T/RT; Tenderness/Rebound Tenderness


1) Tricuspid Stenosis

2) Tuberous Sclerosis

= Bourneville's Disease

3) Transferrin Saturation

Ts cell; suppressor T cell(= T8 cell)

TSA; Transsphenoidal Adenoidectomy(= Approach)

TSAb; Thyroid Stimulating Ab

TSCT; Thin Section Computed Tomography


TSD; Tay-Sachs Disease

TSEB; Total Skin Electron Beam

TSH; Thyrotropin(Thyroid) Stimulating Hormone

= Thyrotropin

TSHRF; Thyrotropin(Thyroid) Stimulating Hormone Releasing Factor

= Thyrotropin Releasing Factor


1) Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin

2) Triple Sugar Iron agar

TSS; Toxic Shock Syndrome

TSST-1; Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin-1

= Enterotoxin type F


1) Thrombin Time

2) Transient Thyrotoxicosis

TTA; Trans-Tracheal Aspiration

TTN; Transient Tachypnea of Newborn; 신생아 일과성 빈호흡

= Wet Lung Disease; 부종폐증

= RDS-type II

TTNB; Transient Tachypnea of New Born

TTP; Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura

TTT; Thymol Turbidity Test

TU; Tuberculin Unit

TUR; Trans-Urethral Resection; 경요도 절제술

TURP; Trans-Urethral Resection of the Prostate; 요도식 (전립선) 절제술


1) Tricuspid Valve

2) Tidal Volume

= VT

TVH; Trans-Vaginal Hysterectomy

T1 WI; T1 Weighted Image

T2 WI; T2 Weighted Image

2-CDA; 2-ChloroDeoxyAdenosine

2-DE; 2-Dimensional Electrophoresis

Tx; Treatment


U; Unit; 단위

U/A; UrinAalysis


1) Ulcerative Colitis

2) Uterine Contraction

U/C; Urine Culture

UCB; UnConjugated Bilirubin

U/D; Undifferentiated

UDC; Urso-Deoxy-Cholic acid


UDCA; Urso-Deoxy-Cholic Acid


UDP; Uridine Di-Phosphate

U/E; Upper Extremity

UES; Upper Esophageal Sphincter; 상부 식도 괄약근

UESP; Upper Esophageal Sphincter Prssure

UGF; Urinary Gonadotropin Fragment

UGI; Upper Gastro-Intestinal

UGIS; Upper Gastro-Intestinal Series

UHT; Ultra High Temperature Pasteurization

; 우유를 88 이상에서 순간적(1 sec 이상)으로 가열

UICC; Union Internationale Contrele Cancer

UIP; Usual Interstitial Pneumonia

UK; Uro-Kinase

ULQ; Upper Left Quadrant; 좌측상부 4분의 1

UMN; Upper Motor Neuron

UN; United Nations; 국제연합

UNESCO; United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization; 국제연합교육과학문화기구

ung.; unguentum; ointment; 연고

UNICEF; United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund; 국제연합아동구호기금

UNTC; United Nations Trustee Council; 국제 연합신탁통치이사회

UO; Urine Output; 소변량

UP; Uremic Pericarditis

UPI; Utero-Placental Insufficiency

UPJ; Uretero-Pelvic Junction

UPP; Urethral Pressure Profile; 요도 내압

UPPP; Uvulo-Palato-Pharyngo-Plasty

URI; Upper Respiratory Infection; 상기도 감염

LRQ; Left Right Quadrant; 우측상부 4분의 1

URT; Upper Respiratory Tract

US; Ultra-Sonography

USG; Ultra-Sono-Graphy

USO; Unilateral Salping-Oophorectomy

USP; United States Pharmacopeial convention

= United States Pharmacopeia; 미국 약전

USP DI; United States Pharmacopeial convention Dispensing Information

USPHS; United States Public Health Service

USR; Unheated Serum Reagin

UTI; Urinary Tract Infection; 비뇨기계 감염

UVA; Ultra Violet A

UVB; Ultra Violet B

UW solution; University of Wisconsin solution


V.; Vibrio

V. Cholerae; 콜레라균

V. Parahaemolyticus; 장염비브리오

V. Proteus

V. Vulnificus

VA shunt; Ventriculo-Atrial shunt

VAB-6; Vinblastine, Actinomycin D, Bleomycin, Cisplatin, Cyclophosphamide

VAN; Vein, Artery, Nerve의 순으로

VAS; Valvular Aortic Stenosis


1) Ventricular Activation Time

2) Video-Assisted Thoracoscopy

VATER Associations;

Vertebral defects

Anal atresia

Tracheo-Esophageal fistula with esophageal atresia

Radial &/or Renal dysplasia Associations

VC; Vital Capacity

VCA; Viral Capsid Antigen

VCPI; Virtual Control Program Interface

VCU; Voiding Cysto-Urethrogram


VCUG; Voiding Cysto-Urethro-Gram


VD, V.D.; Venereal Disease; 성병(性病)

Vd; Volume of Distribution; 분포용적

VDRE; Vitamin D Responsive Element

VDRL; Venereal Disease Research Laboratory; 미국 성병 연구소

VDRL test; Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (slide) test


1) Valve Endocarditis

2) Value Edition

3) Vaginal Examination

VEB; Ventricular Ectopic Beat


VEP; Visual Evoked Potential

VER; Visual Evoked Response


1) Ventricular Fibrillation

? Tx of Ventricular Fibrillation a/c R on T Phenomenon

1. Defibrillation; 200 - 300 J

2. Drugs

1) Epinephrine

2) Lidocaine

3) Bicarbonate

4) Bretylium Tosylate

2) Vocal Fremitus

3) Visual Field


1) Ventricular flutter

2) Visual field

VFD; Visual Field Defect

VGA; Video Graphic(s) Array

VH; Ventricular Hypertrophy

VHD; Valvular Heart Disease

VHL; Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome

= Cerebelloretinal Hemangioblastomatosis

VI; Visual Identity

VIC; Volkmann's Ischemic Contracture

VIP; Vasoactive Intestinal (Poly)Peptide

VLCFA; Very Long Chain Fatty Acids

VLDL; Very Low Density Lipoprotein

VMA; Vanil(Vanillyl)-Mandelic Acid

v.o.; verbal order; 구두지시

VOR; Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex


1) Variegate Porphyria; 발문상 Porphyria

2) Viral Protein

VP shunt; Ventriculo-Peritoneal shunt

VP test; Voges-Proskauer test

VPB; Ventricular Premature Beat


1) Ventricular Premature Contraction

2) Vertical Palmar Crease

VPDs; Ventricular Premature Depolarizations

V/S; Vital Signs; 활력증후

1. Body Temperature; 체온

2. Blood Pressure; 혈압

3. Heart Rate; 심박수

4. Respiratory; 호흡수

VSC; Voltage Sensitive Channel

VSD; Ventricular Septal Defect

? Types of VSD

1. Subpulmonic(= Supracristal) Type

2. Perimembranous(70 - 80 %); mc

TVAnt. Septal Commissure바로 밑에 생김

3. A-V Canal

4. Muscular

? Operation

1. Large VSD(Qp/Qs > 1.5 : 1)

2. Sx있을때

3. Pulmonary Artery Stenosis

4. AR

* PVR; 5 - 8 μ/m2; Dx 즉시 Op.

> 10 μ/m2;Eisenmenger의미 Not Op.


VT; Ventricular Tachycardia

VT; Tidal Volume

= TV

VUR; Vesico-Urethral(Ureteral) Reflux

VU shunt; Ventriculo-Ureteral shunt

vWD; von Willebrand Disease

vWF; von Willebrand Factor

VZIG; Varicella Zoster Immuno-Globulin; 수두대상 포진 면역 글로불린

VZV; Varicella Zoster Virus


WAIS; Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; 웩슬러 성인용 지능 검사

WAGR syndrome;

Wilms's Tumor


Genital Anomalies

Mental Deficiency syndrome

WBC, wbc; White Blood Cell (Count); 백혈구, 백혈구수

WBGT index; Wet Bulb Globe Thermometer index

= 0.7tw + 0.3k{(tg-ta)oK + ta}

ta; 건구온도

tg; 흑구온도

tw; 습구온도

oK; 태양열흡열계수

WDB; Withdrawl Delayed Bleeding

WDHA Syndrome; Watery Diarrhea, Hypokalemia, Achlorhydria Syndrome

= Pancreatic Cholera (Syndrome)

= VIPoma

= Verner-Morrison Syndrome

= Diarrheogenic Syndrome

WHO; World Health Organization; 세계보건기구

WHO ORS; World Health Organization Oral Rehydration Solution osmolality 330; 세계보건기구 경구 수액 용액

WISC; Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; 웩슬러 소아용 지능 검사

WISC-R; Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised; 웩슬러 소아용 지능 검사

WNL; Within Normal Limit(?)

WPPSI; Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence

WPW Syndrome ; Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome

? CIx

1. Drugs; AV Conduction Block 초래, 오히려 Bypass Conduction을 조장하여 VF유발 가능한 약제들

1) Verapamil

2) Digitalis

3) Propranolol

? Tx

1. Hemodynamic Stable

1) Procainamide; DOC

2) Lidocaine

2. Hemodynamic Unstable

1) DC Cardioversion


wrt; with respect to

W/U; Work Up


Xi; inactive X Chromosome


1) X-Linked

2) Extra Large

XLP; X-Linked Lymphoproliferative

XLSA; X-Linked Sideroblastic Anemia


YSR; Year Survival Rate


ZDV(= AZT); Zidovudine

ZES; Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome

Z-E Syndrome; Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome

ZIFT; Zygote Intra-Fallopian Transfer

ZIG; Zoster Immuno-Globulin

ZPP; Zinc Proto-Porphyrin


dB; decibel; 음파의 전파 방향에 수직한 단위 면적을 단위시간에 통과하는 음의 에너지량 또는 음의 압력; 소리의 세기


= 20 log ???


P; 측정한 음압

Po; 기준 음압; 2 x 10-5 N/m2

1 cm H2O = 0.1 kPa

1 Fr. = 0.33 mm

3 Fr. = 1 mm

1 inch = 1/12 feet, 2.54 cm

1 IU = 0.3 μg

= 0.025 μg

1 IU(Vit.D) = 0.0025 μg(Cholecalciferol)

1.4 Kbp = 1 M Dalton

1 Knot(노트) = 1 해리/Hr = 0.51 m/sec

1 kPa = 10 cm H2O

1 lb; 파운드; 무게의 단위

1. 상형(常衡); 16 ounces, 453 grams

2. 금형(金衡); 12 ounces, 373 grams

1 mmb = 760 mmHg

1 ng/ml = 1 μg/L

phon; 음의 크기의 수준; 음의 고저와 감도

; dBphon과의 관계는 주파수에 따라 달라지고 1,000 Hz에서 dB = phon이므로

; 1,000 Hz 기준으로 해서 나타낸 dB

1 Pint; n) 파인트(액량의 단위)

미국; 0.47 L

영국; 0.57 L

sone; 소음의 크기의 양적 단위; 감각량

1 sone; 1,000 Hz 의 순음이 40 dB일때

1 Telsa = 10,000 Gauss; 자석의 세기


1 해리 = 1852 m

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